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Eventual alternative to silicon implants
Posted by Anonymous on 25/04/2010 at 8:08 pmUnfortunately, this is still 5-10 years away …
Anonymous replied 13 years, 10 months ago 0 Member · 4 Replies -
4 Replies
Guest07/04/2011 at 7:10 amI have done a lot of searching on breast augmentation via google an dother search engines .What I find a lot of is information on stem cell breast enlargement /augmentation. This now seems to be quite popular in the US with several plastic surgeons offering it there . It is also mentioned quite a bit as a possible remedy for mastectomy .The method used seems to be almost universal – removal of fat from the stomach ,then one part of that removed is filtered , the other part centrifuged to concentrate stem cells at one end of the “test tube /container this section is kept, while the stem cell deficent portion is discarded.The rich portion is then combined with the other, ‘purified’ fat and injected into the breast to plump up the breast .This way the breast can be enlarged 2-3 cups bigger than before. While this is a fat transfer method and fat transfer has been around for ever ,it differs in that stem cell rich fat is transplanted not just ‘Ordinary fat ‘ The stem cells presence is said to stop the fat being absorbed by the body, as was the case in the old method of fat transfer. I gather up to 40% of fat transplanted in the old days was absorbed by the body and not uniformly so that a breast enlargement after this amount was absorbed could be quite lumpy
As I said remedies for mastectomy seem to be possible using this method – well, so its claimed …
The same method is used now to do “stem cell facelifts” by plumping up hollow sections, wrinkles,depression etc using the same treated fat
and its claimed the correction of ageing features is pernament due to stem cell prescence
Well thats the claims …
Guest07/04/2011 at 8:15 pmThese frauds never stop, do they?
The issue with fat transfer has never been re-absorption. It necroses – dies, because it lacks it’s own blood supply. Necrotic tissue in your breasts is very dangerous, and potentially life threatening
Guest07/04/2011 at 9:30 pmto each is welcome their own opinion ! However the stem cells present in the fat transplanted establish a blood supply to the fat . Far too many plastiic surgeons now offer the procedure in the US .Uk, Germany and now here for it to be a fraud.
Suzz -
Guest10/04/2011 at 11:29 pmAs of February 2011, Stem Cell Breast Augmentation had not been approved in the USA. There has been very limited trials in the UK. I don’t know where else. This procedure remains experimental, and long term results & issues still need to be understood