Transgender victory in the ADF
NewCTN received a post from W about her partner J and her situation in the Australian Defence Force. She has given me permission to repost her message on the understanding that their identities not be released. For that reason, I am using the initials W and J
Here is her post;
Quote:Just thought I would post a link to our first news article and let you know to watch how things are played out from here.
I am so proud of J for standing up for herself and her family against such a big conservative organisation and this is the result, now being made public. Note one of the comments on the Crikey story is from another trans person in Defence who wants to come out and now can without fear of losing their job thanks to J.http://www.crikey.com.au/2010/09/15/let-them-serve-defence-drops-ban-on-transgender-soldiers
The personal toll on us has been huge and we are now seeking legal support for a damages case against Defence and we also are going to a reconciliation meeting with defence managed by the AHRC in a couple of months.
J will start her new job as a training officer and there is going to be a general article on trans issues in the next Army newspaper to start cultural change in the organisation.
Big steps for all of us and I hope we have the strength to keep going through whatever comes.