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TgR Wall Forums Media-Watch Transgender Media Thailand-Third-sex hostesses ready for takeoff

  • Anonymous

    28/01/2011 at 12:53 am

    sydney morning herald has finally got around to putting the story up – on their front page of the web site, no less. not sure if that is for sensationalism purposes or not though …

    with photos:



    regardless of the smh’s reasosns for publishing, i guess any mention is a good mention – and the article is not couched in snide tones. in fact i found the story quite uplifting. i also notice that there has been some editting – the article in thai visa forum (bambi’s link) is slightly different from the one in smh. i couldn’t locate the full agence france-presse article, for comparison, however.

    but i did locate an article about thanyarat jiraphatpakorn, miss tiffany 2007, who has been signed up as a flight attendant – she had entered the 2007 miss international queen contest too:

    i wish the airline every possible success!

  • Brenda

    28/01/2011 at 6:14 am

    from what I read today, The company has the staff, but it basically doesn’t exist, They are in the process of purchasing their fleet of aircraft, and
    I hope they succeeed in doing so !!!!!!

    Plus get approval to come to our fair land !!!

  • bee

    16/12/2011 at 7:18 am

    PC AIR Airline maiden flight with transsexual attendants
    [Bangkok, Thailand 15 DEC 2011]

    New PC Air on Thursday took officials and journalists on its maiden flight out of Bangkok under the ministrations of four third sex flight attendants.

    Article details…

    PC Air set for Laos flights

    PC Airline website

  • bee

    01/01/2012 at 10:18 pm

    Transsexuals Take Off

    Claiming to be the first airline in the world to employ the third gender as cabin crew, Thailand’s PC Air made its maiden flight on Dec 24 from Bangkok to Vientiane, the capital of Laos. Video by Jetjaras Na Ranong.

    View a video in Thai with English subtitles here introducing the Flight Attendants

  • Anonymous

    02/01/2012 at 5:08 am

    What a lovely video. I’m so happy and proud for these women. I really hope this initiative takes off, ( pardon the pun ).

    Here’s hoping they get to fly to Australia, I’ll certainly be using them.

  • Lisa_W

    03/01/2012 at 8:50 am

    Thank you bambi

    I really enjoyed that video & I wish the airline all the success that it deserves.

    I was discomforted by two aspects of the video. Firstly they were all such lovely women. I was left lamenting my natal day – it is so far away! I will never be able to emulate them. :(

    The other and more serious worry to me was the fact that one of those girls said that they work like a man & as a woman. I would have thought that having achieved as much as they have as a woman that they would think of themselves solely as a woman. Perhaps that is a cultural thing.

    Bambi with your extensive experience with Thai culture you may be able explain that attitude.

    Kind regards


  • Anonymous

    08/03/2012 at 8:25 pm

    Yvonne1 , you took the words right out of my mouth , let’s hope the rest of the world stands up and takes notice . Congrats to PC and to all our sisters that work for them

  • bee

    08/03/2013 at 9:49 pm

    PC Airlines and the people that work there was extensively covered in the 2012 BSkyB series “Ladyboys” (episode 6). Members may wish to view this documentary for an update.