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TgR Wall Forums Media-Watch Transgender Media TG in the news again- boy becomes girl, this time in England

  • Anonymous

    16/03/2011 at 1:27 pm
    They kicked my body and head and left me in a bloody heap on the floor.

    this incident occured in 2003 – nevertheless, it makes you wonder how much progress has been made in respect of acceptance and understanding.

    in my view, jerry springer has a lot to account for.

    is it important to fight for better rights and a better world to live in, and for education and positive portrayal by the media?

  • Elizabeth

    16/03/2011 at 5:51 pm

    Sensationalist story from the media? Why do the media make it such a big deal? I personally don’t think such reporting helps our cause for better understanding and acceptance. I empathise with the subject, but such stories continually generate hatred and carte blanche physical violence as depicted. Then perhaps England is less tolerant than good old Oz. Our acceptance cause is, in my view a slow and insiduous process. And one by one we will be accepted by the vast majority, I hope!


  • Anonymous

    17/03/2011 at 12:42 am

    As I am a night bar manager in a very popular hotel south of Adelaide, I have seen and heard how a large group of men react to people “coming out”. There was a Tgirl who “came out” the other year, and due to being involved with a Footy Club for a long time, was badly being slandered by all the local players. I strongly defended her and explained to the customers that you have no choice being transgender as you are born that way and just because you are does not make you gay. Their anger was due to showering etc. with the Tgirl for so many years and being decieved (as they put it). I was able to help them to see the other side of the situation and resolved their anger. I did have to say that I have a nephew that is also Trans. (which I have) but did not say I was also.

  • Anonymous

    17/03/2011 at 10:30 pm

    @Liz – it seems that the media prints it because it is sensational, but at the same time it does increase awareness. The previous policy of ignoring the existence of transgender issues was not particularly successful in furthering understanding. People become prejudiced because of stereotypes and fear of the unknown, so any bit of positive publicity should help. I hope.