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TgR Wall Forums Media-Watch Transgender Media Flying while dressed

  • Anonymous

    23/06/2011 at 12:48 am

    It’s interesting that the article says that a gridiron player was not allowed to fly a few days later for wearing saggy pyjama pants which exposed skin. I assume that “exposed skin” means bum crack was visible. While that may not be the case with the dude in the blue knickers there was still a lot of other skin visible. Perhaps he/she was allowed on because it’s obvious that she does not have a weapon of mass destruction.

  • Anonymous

    23/06/2011 at 7:37 am

    While I appreciate the need for us to have the right to appear in public in womens’ clothes, I think this person was pushing the boundaries a bit far. I can imagine, say, a parent’s discomfort in trying to explain this situation to their child in a crowded plane, especially if she were sitting next to them.

  • Anonymous

    23/06/2011 at 5:24 pm

    Well all I can say is that Michelle_7 is being very polite. He is behaving in a very Bizarre manner and definitely not creating the sort of image we need to gain acceptance in society. The trouble with exhibitionists like him is that he gets us all tarred with the same brush. I can only begin to imagine the sort of comments that were floating around that plane, while he was on it.

    For goodness sake he’s not even wearing any make-up!!

    Hugs Pamela!

  • Anonymous

    24/06/2011 at 1:34 am

    I know I would have been very uncomfortable if I had to sit next to him. Even if an attractive female wore the same thing, I would still be uncomfortable. He should have been made to put somemore clothes on before being allowed to board. Imagine if he was seated next to a child, it would have been very disturbing for them.

  • Anonymous

    24/06/2011 at 5:36 am


    So its about clothes , not about the person. or is it , what really does it matter what we wear its not going to meet the aprovale of some ,

    I dress a bit differently to most women tho some of my clothes are womens even , those i make for our different groups , i dont conform to ether male or female i cant because im different. i dont really fit in & quite frankly i dont try, not any more im me what you see is who i am & i dress in my style of my own.

    My difference is im both male / female = intersex. so why should i conform to one or the other ,

    My clothes are nice tidy im 63 my facial looks are sure not female / woman, more male yet im a woman. accepted as one in my own right,

    yet most people who dont know me allways look at me no matter where i go. & you know what i quite enjoy that , because iv got the guts to say, in my person this is me im happy in my self & have the guts to say hi to you all ,& talk with many people , i dont hide who i am & nore will i, no way. im proud of who i am ,

    People talk about me thats good because then when they see me again & again they know im here because this is my place to be,

    This chap is doing what he wonts to do , so what i will not say any thing agaisnt him & if i sat next to him id enjoy his company , why because he is different dress’s differently & has as much right as you & me.

    I dress in 1400 to 1700 garb a bit out of date no dought yet i love it ,

    If we all walked down the street in full garb & weaponry we’d be the talk of the town, would we not, .

    So lets go back to how you all dress is that not strange to others , i think we need to look at our selfs first before we say he who ever is not dressed as we think he should be , is this not about accepting others ,

    Theres enough with in the trans community world wide to say theres not a lot of accptance by some i know , & those same people wont accept me as a intersexed person.. funny that i wonder why.

    Be very carefull of throwing stones before we know the fact’s & reasons behind the issue here or why he dress’s this way,

    It’s about …..get….. to know the person.


  • Fay

    24/06/2011 at 2:10 pm

    Sorry Noeleena but I can’t agree with you. My opinion aligns with Michele, Pamela and Karly. Even if this person was a born genuine female with the looks of a goddess she should have been asked to cover up more on a public flight. Irrespective of who we are there are acceptable dress standards for most situations. That was not acceptable.
    I once flew from Sydney to Norfolk Island sitting next to a stripper/working girl that had been engaged by a Norfolk Island club for a mens night. She was dressed appropriate to her profession. Even though I struck up a conversation with her and found she was quiet well educated and pleasant to chat with, it was the most embarrassing and uncomfortable flight I have ever had. And I was a 30 Y.O. rampart male at the time.
    Perhaps THAT was the problem! 😳 😈

  • Elizabeth

    24/06/2011 at 9:49 pm

    Personally I think the man was (is) a bloody dork, and the airline equally remiss for allowing such a dork to travel as he presented himself.


  • Anonymous

    25/06/2011 at 2:03 am

    I must admit that when I saw the photograph I raised my eyebrows. To me it was purely and simply exhibitionism and if that is the impression people have when they see a CD, then our credibility is shot.

    The gentleman in question is a just clown who wanted to be noticed.

  • Anonymous

    25/06/2011 at 4:41 am

    I find it interesting the use of male pronouns both in the original article and the posts here. We actually have no idea how this person self identifies and simply applying the normative gender binary is in no way empathetic with what this person’s actual situation may be. I am sure none of us like being referred to by the wrong pronouns when we are recognised as being TS or CD. I should say the person’s behaviour is a little bizarre but we must remember the likes of Gagga and others who get away with similar stunts!

  • Anonymous

    26/06/2011 at 9:49 am


    Apart from the terms of male / female . it appears this man is a man & no more than that..

    Heres a thought tho ,

    so its okay for men to walk down the road’s with pretty much nothing on in front of 1000’s of men ,women, & children at a gay pride week march or on moter biks with skimpy knickers nothing eles , & women in knickers only, so whats the difference there or the beach different setting ‘s , yes , so how does that go down..

    Now the ones replying are you male or female / woman.

    Now i know some men who dress in clothes that are no way in keeping with how a normal woman wears clothes , unless shes a hooker or night person on the streets

    How many here have been on the food waggon takeing meals & tea coffe & milo late at night / early morn to feed & check on thier wellfare through a group who has concerns for these people,

    No where did i say i agree with or dissagree with how people dress or not what they do is thier concern we are here to help if we can , not degrade or put them down.
    I look at the person not the clothes wether i like the clothes or dress or not is not the issue for me , Yes its nice to be dressed for the setting .

    Tho what iv seen in the trans community is far different world wide so all ill say is not my style or clothes i would wear , & i wont say any thing agaisnt them , & my style may not be thier idear ether. ,

    do i have to accept that & not this guy who was at least dressed in more
    clothes than the others i refered to ,

    We are all different thats what im trying to say,

    We have double standerds here, whats good for the goose is good for the gander is it not,


  • Fay

    26/06/2011 at 2:44 pm

    Hi Noeleena.

    I understand where you are coming from in that anyone has a right to express themselves. However the point I am making is whether you are male, female or somewhere in between it’s not what you wear, it’s where you wear it!

    You don’t wear a swimming costume to a formal, you don’t wear formal clothes to the office, you don’t present as a prostitute or a pimp to a job interview (Well the vast majority of job interviews anyway :) ). Call me a fuddy duddy if you like but I don’t even thing a singlet, shorts and thongs, (flip flops not the undies) are suitable attire while flying. Dress codes are applied and enforced in all types of venues in Oz, licensed Clubs, hotels, night clubs, building sites, even on the beaches. I’m sure a manager or supervisor would have more than a few words to say if someone turned up for work dressed as our subject airline passenger whether they be male or female.

    Society has perceived dress standards for most occasions and “men to walking down the road’s with pretty much nothing on in front of 1000’s of men, women, & children at a gay pride week march or on motor bikes with skimpy knickers nothing else, & women in knickers only” is perceived acceptable for that occasion. If fact it’s what you expect any probably why you are there. No problem. But not at the airport!

    If people do present to somewhere like an airport or the office dressed as the person in the article then they must expect an adverse reaction. Sure you need to “check on their welfare” and have “concerns for these people” and you and anyone else that cares or provides welfare have my total support and admiration.

    Sure society may not be right in all cases, but without its conventions civilisation as we know it would collapse into disarray and we may as well return to the wilderness.

    The type of public behavior and attention exibited by this person sets back the cause of trans gendered people by many years of hard won public aceptance.

    This is just my humble fuddy duddy opinion but if the actions of one “odd” person bring the crusades of many over a long period into disrepute then they cannot be condoned.

    Everyone has the right to be themselves, but everyone does not have to accept them.

    Hugs Fay

  • Anonymous

    27/06/2011 at 6:36 am


    All i have done is present a few idears, a little more back ground .

    mental health issues are a concern so some times & im not saying in this case, tho i have seen it this person could be on meds & would not in some case ‘s think it was out of place, tho i really think from what iv read & seen he was quite happy being dressed the way he was,

    my stance is the same . i hope i accept others as they are tho like those of us here are thinking this dress or the clothes are a little out of place i agree, for me & your right its more the beach detail.

    As to flight’s yes out of place or this way, not how i dress or would ,

    Our detail is we dont know what is behind the why the clothes are being worn in this way, the airline people may know some thing we dont . .

    So some times we need to take things at face value tho we may not be happy with what we see,

    No dissagreement i was trying to dig a little deeper.
    & as to the why’s & where fores we’ll never know .

    & the truth is i thought hmmm strange now what’s going on here .

    So i still have to come back to . oh well it;s not me & just leave it there.

    Thanks for discussing this in a nice way,, thats neat,

    Now what should i wear when i come over next time . a skirt as narrow as a 4 in belt a top well you can see through the wet look, no bra’s & 6 in heels & to top it off a cowboy hat….Right , i can see that ,cant you,

    I think you all know me well enough to know that’ll never happen any were,
    dream on..


  • Anonymous

    27/06/2011 at 8:57 am

    the important thing to remember is would a ‘GG’ be allowed to travel in the same attire? If not then the person should not have been either..

    Personally I think that it was inappropriate attire for a flight regardless of gender, or orientation.


  • Anonymous

    27/06/2011 at 9:51 pm


    I am moved to reply to this post, as concurring with the main view I think it is simply insensitive to fellow travellers.

    The attire would be fine for the beach, for a beachside suburb, even for shopping but it is hardly appropriate for a plane. Flying is a situation where we cannot choose our companions as we can elsewhere.

    Though I wouldn’t mind sitting next to the individual, I know my children would and they would feel very uncomfortable. Why should my children, or anyone elses, have to?

    As said by others, though fully supporting the individuals right to dress as they see fit, they shold be considerate to others.