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TgR Wall Forums Member’s Corner Chit-chat Fun Stuff please, Have some fun you witty people

  • please, Have some fun you witty people

    Posted by Anonymous on 04/09/2011 at 9:03 am

    Hi all, a little background! I live in a small coastal country village and for the first time I have the opportunity to go out “dressed’. We are having a costume party for Cancer. I am going as a female nurse. I hope some of you witty people out there can help me with a name for our nurse.

    I have had a few thoughts,

    Nurse I. Lovecock, too gay for our town.
    Nurse Charity Case, not bad, but we can do better
    Nurse I. Humpalot appealing, but a bit sleazy

    Come on girls. your ideas will be appreciated!!


    Anonymous replied 13 years, 3 months ago 2 Members · 9 Replies
  • 9 Replies
  • Anonymous

    04/09/2011 at 2:26 pm

    I had often thought that the Carry On movies had some good Doctor names but it seems that the nurse names were pretty ordinary.

    So how about Nurse Inga Hangover.

    Hugs Pamela!

  • Anonymous

    04/09/2011 at 3:54 pm

    What a fantastic opportunity to have, and to help raise a few coins while doing so is even better

    This event reminds me of the traditional mock ‘reverse’ wedding that often occurs throughout many a county football club where the girls dress as guys and guys as girls including the mock bride and groom. What surprises me is just how serious and extent some of the ‘big tough’ football guys go to playing the part of the ‘girl’.

    Anyway …

    Nurse Payne
    Nurse Hacker
    Sister De’Ath

    Hope the night goes well. Let us know


  • Anonymous

    05/09/2011 at 1:40 am

    Hi ladies,

    “Reverse weddings”… ah the amount of times I told that, (hardly plausible tale), about me being an “unwilling bride” for a “role reversal party” when I wanted to buy a wedding dress/bridesmaid’s frock at some broken down formal rental place in ??????? Australia

    But the person on the other side of the counter hardly cared as they were getting rid of “old stock”. Me????. I had a new wedding gown to play “Caty’s getting married” in.

    The only problem was that the “walk down the aisle” got very short in some of the “hotel room churches” where the “wedding” took place. Possibly yet another reason why I ended up in lots of self contained apartments. Damned groom never showed up once either….

    Then when I got past 40, I deceided that I was a bit old for the bridal look, so that’s when I found some good and friendly fashion recycle places where I became the “mother of the bride”.

    Happy dressing ladies,


    PS. I forgot to add, that in terms of “role reversals” I did not add that the number and spread of “womenless pagents” that are held in the USA, espcieally the “religous” soutthern states is quite intruging. They are almost exculisvely run as fund raisers and if you go to the “femulate” website, (dont have it handy), and check out the photos there, if you are anything like “old Caty” you will be very jealous of a/. the opportunity to dress in public, especially in lovely evening gowns and /b. jealous of how well some of the guys come up “en femme”

    I said SOME.. of them. The ones with beards and make up, dont quite come up to the mark….LOL

    Also, apprently, they spend quite some time “rehearsing” for their big day. That could be fun too….

  • Elizabeth

    05/09/2011 at 11:31 pm

    Nurse I. Cureall, may be ordinary, tame in fact but unlikely to ruffle the feathers of the genteel members of the community.


  • Anonymous

    07/09/2011 at 10:31 am

    Some interesting ideas indeed, I am still welcoming ideas, the function is not for a few weeks yet, but I will have to decide soon as I want to get a badge made. I have been gathering some interesting accessories to take along too. Well done, I think Liz has the edge at the moment, a little more risque would be good though Matron Dolittle comes to mind when I think of a nick we gave to some one many years ago.


  • Anonymous

    16/09/2011 at 2:30 pm

    thanks all for your input and the several personal emails with suggestions. I have decided on Nurse I. Kiss I is for Ivanna, I like it, Ivanna Kiss, my fiance is Dr Richard Cock, Doctor Dick.

    Thanks all, that was fun!

    Will post some pics after October 8th.

    kisses all xxx

  • Brenda

    18/09/2011 at 10:28 am

    in all seriousness, there is actually ob/gyn here on the Sunshine Coast named Dr Dick, [and so was his father]

  • Anonymous

    21/10/2011 at 5:00 am

    What an absolute blast!!! A lot of people who know me, had no idea who I was, one woman was saying to another that is the most god ugliest woman I have ever seen, wearing something so slutty at her age – disgusting!!

    Then she found out who “boy” me is, and she was all over me with hugs and well done you tart and things like that. Another lady who works in the club office was all over me, and asking lots of questions (TG related), then she smelt my perfume and went wild, saying what is called I want some. Many, Many similar reactions from women, very complimentary. Some wanted to know more – whether I had had practice at xdressing, one got me alone asked me outright – are you TG? I said well, depends who is asking and what their motive is. With that she kissed me and whispered in my ear I’d go home with you any day. I smiled and said “you’re on” she said – leave it with me. Some of the guys were fantastic and were fainting in their seats saying saying nurse, nurse. A lot of women would not believe their friends that I was actually male, with about 3 women challenging me about being chosen Best dressed male. On 3 separate occasions I smiled flashed my boobs, they turned to their friends and said see, bullshit! she is not male!! Then I would lean over and speak softly in my normal voice – Lady I’m a bloke. the reaction on each occasion was enormous. Now for the best one of the night.

    Special guests were our local Federal Member (female) and State Member (female) I have known one of them very well for 15 years. The other knows “male me” a little. I had just been out for a dance with my Florist Lady friend, returned her to her table and was walking back to the other side of the Hall when one MP grabs my arm and says they want to meet me. One said, ” I said your male and should win tonight, the other said only if it really is male. So whilst she tells me this story and we are laughing and giggling (as she is perving on my tits – oh yeah, complete with rose Tattoo). I whisper to her watch this, She smiles. I turn to the other, I say – in my best gurlie voice- ” How lovely to see you, (she looks with astonishment – thinking – this person knows me like an old friend hmmm???)

    I say ” welcome to Monday Big Brekky Show. I have never heard this woman swear … ever!! She says Oh My deleted God!! and laughs in astonishment

    But, tell you what. I think, I may have made a lot of new friends, both female and male. Several of the female Bar staff, some on duty, some just enjoying the night out, were so supportive and enquiring. One woman asked one of the off duty staff, ( who was hugging me and feeling my tits) Is this your husband – (she doesn’t have one) – she says, No, But God I wish! I said but darling you haven’t asked me yet. She says wait til I’m sober. *Footnote – She didn’t – drats lol*

    There was so much more. So a few questions I had to ask and review from this event – Did I actually “come out” to the locals? Probably not! Unfortunately. But some now know the truth – 3 or 4 know. Will there be any flack? Only from certain “deleted” that I don’t like anyway.

    Have I gained anything from this event?

    Oh yes, I have gained a very best friend and I have gained freedom in my own house. To add some back ground on this, I have one very good male friend, he is totally hetro. I have never dressed at home when I know he is coming over, which is often and stays over regularly. Now, with my friend’s complete acceptance, life for me has changed so much. I had told him not to come over early ’cause I would need many hours to prep, but he did anyway, I was dressed in skirt, stockings, bra and blouse, with the table full of cosmetics and accessories. I said with absolute dismay – you promised you would not come over, now I am very embarrassed and feel very awkward.
    His reply nearly brought tears to my eyes, as they are now, just re-telling the story. His response was “If you crossed over completely I would walk you down the aisle if you so wished.” Fantastic!!

    I have added a couple of pics to the folder in my profile – they are not great pics. I believe there are some better ones in existence, but I am yet to unearth them.

    Thanks for your support on this, the several suggestions I received on “Forum” and by private email. And most of all, if you have read this far I owe you a drink at the next TF2012.Just say – Nurse Ivanna Kiss – xx

    P.s we raised $28,000 on the night for our local cancer support facilities, which in a small community such as ours is a job well done.

  • Anonymous

    21/10/2011 at 10:40 am

    That’s a great story Sally, I’m so happy for you. It sounds like you have a great little community down there. :D

    Hugs Yvonne x