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  • Anonymous

    21/08/2012 at 11:17 am

    Cool. I will have one of those for xmas please santa. I always was jelous that my sisters got dolls and I couldent.

  • Anonymous

    22/08/2012 at 2:25 am

    I thought all the Barby dolls look transgendered because the hip were too narrow.
    They all have boy hips.

    Also take a look at the manikins in the shop windows.
    The challenge is to find a female manikin with female hips.
    They have female top bits and male bottom bits.:shock:
    No wonder the average girl feels inadequate and thinks her bum is too big if she tries to compare they size of her hips to male hips 😥

    Male hips line up with the arm-pits
    Female hips line up with the corner of the shoulder just as it starts to curve down.

    My Barby Doll has the proper size hips :D