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TgR Wall Forums Member’s Corner Chit-chat All about YOU How do you cope in hot weather???

  • How do you cope in hot weather???

    Posted by Anonymous on 17/09/2012 at 1:10 am

    Good morning everyone,

    As a CD who

    a/.at best can only shave my chest and

    b/. dislikes intensely any show of body hair when I dress, (it’s hard enough as it is to create the “image” in the mirror without all that arm or leg hair showing)….

    and c/.

    “Glows” profusely even in mild to warm weather if I fully dress the way I like to, plus the only location I can dress is a tin shed….., I’m wondering how other members cope with the warmer weather.

    It’s probably one for our “tropical cousins”

    Just interested to see how others cope. For my part I fear it will be “stubbies and thongs” from October to March and little or no Caty time.

    YUK! YUK! :)

    Ta in advance


    Juliette replied 12 years, 4 months ago 5 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • Anonymous

    17/09/2012 at 7:00 am


    How did i cope in Thailand for 23 days ,

    Before i went over i epilated my body arms legs still used a elc shaver for my face & still do & have done for many years, shaveing face & epilating .

    Lazer was a waist of time ,

    My body hair apart from none up top is close to 8 % out of 100%
    With the help of meds my own hormones & epilating im quite happy with how i look , iv not used the epilater for 4 months yes theres a few hairs on my arms & legs nothing i would be bothered about with short sleves or shorts on ,
    Though most every day im in a skirt,

    As to being hot i wear my summer clothes & wether i have a few hairs i dont care,

    Fact is my women friends do have facial hair & one or two on arms & legs they dont seem to be bothered, im not & im just a woman.


  • Elizabeth

    17/09/2012 at 7:51 pm

    Coping in warmer weather. I found it hard to even contemplate warmer weather when the frost is laying heavily on the ground. Warmer weather, bring it on!


  • JeniSkunk

    18/09/2012 at 6:19 am

    Whilst I’ve been full time for 17 years now, I’ve never had the cash for electrolysis, so I have to deal with the shaver and somewhat heavily applied makeup.

    Here at home in Brisbane in summer, women’s shorts, tank tops, and sandals is ordinary around the house wear. It’s too hot and humid to wear more.

    My place is in a block of flats built back in 1971, it’s on the top floor of the block, there’s no in-roof insulation, and my flat doesn’t have aircon, so I have 6 pedestal fans running 24/7 of a summer. Welcome to the oven.

    Going grocery shopping of a summer, I wear a plain cotton t-shirt and 3/4 length linen pants or skirt.

    Common sense dress for the climate is the most sensible move, IMO.

    Jenifur Charne

  • Adrian

    18/09/2012 at 6:33 am


    I know for a fact that you wouldn’t be the only TgR member contemplating a forced hibernation through the summer.

    But remember it isn’t necessary to have bare arms and legs to be cool in the summer. A long flowing cotton skirt looks very feminine and is often a lot more attractive than a pair of knobbly knees in shorts – and a white loose fitting wide sleeved cotton top is also a very practical alternative.

    Take a look round the shops as the summer stock comes in and I’m sure you will find something suitable.

  • June

    18/09/2012 at 10:11 am

    I find that ladies shorts when I am home with my wife who does not approve of me in skirts, but when alone I have a summer wardrobe of skirts and dresses that I have just brought out. If home alone I don’t really worry about my hairy arms and legs, but if i were to be brave enough to go to the shops, I suppose I would need to look at removal.

    Last year our air conditioning struggled and breast forms were the problem, I have perspiration marks that showed. I plan on getting some nursing pads to obviate this. I also installed reverse cycle air conditioning which should make life easier.

    But nice knee length cotton skirts are the way to go.


  • Anonymous

    19/09/2012 at 7:52 am

    Thanks to evryone whom have responded.

    As a well respected federal politician I once had the privelige of knowing said to me when I complained about one of his government’s policies.

    “I hear what you say”.

    But keeping all my bod hair I cant shave hidden and staying cool at the same time, plus the “pressure cooker” on my head, (AKA my wig), will still leave me “glowing”. So will the “figure control” garments I like to wear. (Slim things like Amanda dont have this problem. mE… jealous??? …………NEVER!!!)

    There are a few previous “no go” areas” where I reside that are a lot cooler that my shed, so I may have to “un go” them.. But even then, I still run the risk of “overheating”.

    So we may just have to see how it all “comes out in the wash”. (AKA the nice cool shower afterwards).


  • Juliette

    22/09/2012 at 1:09 pm

    I like the cooler months for the same reason of hair removal. Hard work to keep looking fem over the summer but I do agree that it is great to wear summer skirts. Juliette