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TgR Wall Forums Media-Watch Transgender Media Genderless Divinity: a brave young woman

  • Anonymous

    28/09/2012 at 4:49 am

    Thank you for posting this. I lean toward the principles & understandings of Zen, much the same ideas as was quoted by the Sikh girl in the article.

    I think there is a great deal that Tg people can take from that article; belief in ones self & conviction of our own worth, to see beyond the ‘packaging’ & recognise the value of the ‘contents’ & to have the courage to speak up & to be seen.

    the young ladies comments about her “genderless divinity” and the reason she chose not to shave her very pronounced facial hair is an inspiration to those of us who worry too much about appearance and or passing.

    By ‘passing’, Tg people change nothing in the public realm. If we are not seen for who we are, how can we expect people to know who ‘we’ are?
    There is a very interesting paper written by Sandy Stone ‘A post transexual manifesto’ that speaks about the idea that it may be better (for the good of all) to be seen for who we are, rather than hide by passing. I think the thread on these forums is called ‘The Empire Strikes Back’. A very long & heavy read but (I think) well worth it.

  • Elizabeth

    28/09/2012 at 6:18 am

    I like to think I try follow the teachings of a Zen philosophy and indeed value the inner beauty of everyone. (The wrapping paper helps).
    A very brave young woman and I truly admire her. I agree with Chloe and I guess it’s up to us to put it out there without hiding behind a ton of makeup, and as usual ‘be ourselves.’


  • Anonymous

    29/09/2012 at 6:04 am


    One of the reasons you dont see myself with make up on even though i have ,it was allways very little ,i never tryed to hide my face with makeup. no matter where i go , traveled many 1000 s of air miles & other transport.

    What people see is pretty much how iv been for most of my life,

    & what ever the reason some of us women do have facial hair ,

    The real issue is , some people can only see in black & white no matter what colour is really there, some of us are just different & thats all it is,

    Nice to see another person who is different . is that difference only in how we are seen for some yes , though my point will allways be till they open thier own eyes will they truely see the real person & the beauty with in,
