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  • TG’s and tanned arms

    Posted by Anonymous on 11/01/2013 at 4:07 am

    Hi everyone,

    Has anyone else noticed how many of us go to great lengths to enhance our feminine appearances, wigs, breast forms, nice grooming etc, but fail to cover one very, (well to me anyway), obvious flaw in their appearance???.

    Here I speak of the fact that most of us in male mode in summer wear normal male sleeve length shirts/t. shirts.

    Then when we change to our femme selves, unless we go long sleeves or have only worn sleeveless tops in the first place, I see so many photos of TG’s looking great, except that the deep forearm tan stops just past the elbows. GG’s would be tanned all the way.

    I’m still way back in the closet so going summer femme shopping with my elbow tan would not see me “Sprung” and there may be those that could not care if they were “Sprung” anyway.

    But I’m just wondering if anyone else has noticed this and a/. if they have the “elbow tan” and b/. Does this concern them in their quest to present their feminine selves to the “world out there”.



    Anonymous replied 12 years, 1 month ago 4 Members · 8 Replies
  • 8 Replies
  • Adrian

    11/01/2013 at 4:50 am

    A good observation!

    I had the arm tan pointed out to me very early on..not just because of the “girl look” but because it doesn’t look good on the beach no matter what togs you put on. But of equal concern is the “V” of sun tan I used to have below the chin – the legacy of wearing open collar shirts.

    I now either sun bake in something suitable skimpy – or alternatively apply lots of sun tan lotion to my arms and upper chest. Gone are the days thankfully when having a sun tan was equated to “being healthy”

  • Anonymous

    11/01/2013 at 6:14 am


    If sun cancer is not a concern then get a tan, im 65 & dont get taned for looks ,

    I worked in the building sector for 46 years & never had my tops of my back .

    I was in short’s & tops & was not to dark as tan’s go ,as for the rest of my body im just normal white .

    I saw what happened to many women & men who have hard deep lines & burnt skin & very rough . my skin is nothing like like them .quite soft in fact,

    So at this stage why would i bother for what , skin cancer,

    As a woman i looked after myself & took care in what i did & do. & its payed off . if it was for looks alone then no , im not interested,

    So im flawed in my appearance then as to looks, interesting, i have a lot more Flaw’s as a person to be bothered about my colour .

    Seems my many friends dont care they accept who i am as a person not what i look like,


  • Anonymous

    12/01/2013 at 12:53 pm

    Hi every body

    I worked on the gravel dredgers on the brisbane river for 25 years and in my younger years i surfed a lot as well so had a tan nearly all over my body and i still tan very easely and i have a tanned complexion and as a result i have damaged pigmentation but luckily no sun cancer mainly around my neck ,throat and chest and some on my face. I have had lazer and microdermabrasion and so on to reverse the sun damage i now use sun tan lotion every day of my life but like every one else i have a white torso but when the warmer seasons come i tan on my arms very easily and thats using sun tan lotion as well so i guess theres a warning in my post use SUN TAN LOTION as much as you can as i learn’t my lesson the hard way

    Christine xoxo

  • Kristen_james

    15/01/2013 at 9:38 am

    As I’ve got older I’ve tried to avoid being out in the sun too much & as a result I don’t have too many bad telltale tan lines. Nevertheless they do happen from time to time so I’ve taken to using a good quality spray-on tan, especially when I have a big night out coming up & I know I’ll be wearing something that will reveal upper arms, shoulders, neck & chest. I usually apply once a day for 4 or 5 days before the event & I think I get a reasonable result. I don’t try to achieve a perfect all over tan, I just try to blend the lighter skin areas with the darker. There are many different shades on offer so obviously try to get the one that suits your skin tone. 8)

  • Calliope_101

    16/01/2013 at 10:06 am

    As I become more femme my looks become more important to me. I know in boy mode, grooming and appearance were never a high priority, but I realise now that being a boy just doesn’t suit the way I am wired.

    Last summer I started getting an all over tan, except for wearing a string bikini bottom. No more tan lines yay! (except for down there but I find tan lines down there quite sexy). Because apart from when I am sunning myself, and its just a little at a time so I don’t burn, I make sure I am fully covered if I am going to be out in the sun for too long.

    This summer I have even made sure my arms are hair free. And surprisingly no one has commented, not my daughter, nor her mother. Hopefully by next summer I will be compelled enough, and brave enough to shave my lower legs through summer as well.

    One tip girls, in regard to sun damage and our aging skin, I am using a sorbolene cream, at least once a day and it has done wonders for my skin. Which is much softer now. One litre at any supermarket is only a few dollars. At that price one can afford to smear it on, and the skin actually absorbs it quite quickly.

    Thanks for the subject Caty,

    hugs Cali

  • Anonymous

    16/01/2013 at 10:44 am

    I work in the great outdoors most days- yes 7 days a week. I’ve done it now for 27 of my 32 working years. As a bravado & bulls**t young man, I got about in tiny little running shorts & tennis shoes with no socks & a pointlessly small cap. As a conseqence, I have to have skin cancers removed every 6 months or so. Never mind the tan lines, I have scars all over me from having skin cancers cut out. For the last 10 years I have taken to wearing mens long sleeve business shirts when working outdoors, along with a more suitable hat. I can cover all of my arms & neck (turn the collar up) & avoid burning.
    Since presenting as a woman I struggled with wearing those shirts but now have them in vivid purple (on sale – I assume no ‘real man’ would wear them). I wear my female intended T’s, tanks etc under the shirt & just button up at the neck & tie the bottom corners together the way that women sometimes do with beach type attire.
    The result is no tan lines, no sunburn & a rather glamourous looking outdoor worker. 😉 Of course I top it off with a really broad brimmed ladies hat & totally impractical costume jewellery – almost good enough for Flemington.

    Does this concern them in their quest to present their feminine selves to the “world out there”.

    To be completely honest, apart from the skin cancer issue, my vanity is what causes me to not want visible tan lines. When I’m clothes shopping the ladies in the clothing stores know full well that I was born male. I want to impress them with my ability to dress & present well & tan lines are a no no.

  • Jane

    17/01/2013 at 10:59 am

    Hi Girls,

    I have been a sporting person for many years and have also experienced the giveaway tan line on the arms. Mine are gradually receeding.

    I have now taken up using IceRays SPF 50+. Check out their web site at They are becoming a very acceptable alternative way of protecting your arms without using either sunscreen or bulky sleeves. They come in a few colours. It will take some time to loose that tan line; but as with many other things we have to deal with as TG girls I have found it worth the effort! The other observation is that both men and women now use them.

    Jane (a golfers view!)

  • Anonymous

    18/01/2013 at 1:04 am

    I am driving trucks for a living and I can tell you I have a wonderful tan line, unfortunately it’s mostly on one arm. Guess I’m going to have to get the long sleeve shirts out for the rest of the Summer.