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  • Dickhead filter

    Posted by Anonymous on 25/02/2013 at 10:32 am

    I was just watching a TV program called ‘Can of worms’, the subject was; do we worry to much about how we look?

    An entertainer was asked how she felt about her very large & prominent birthmark. One of her thougts as to why she really liked it was; if anybody had a problem with it, then she wouldn’t want to be friends with them anyway because it indicated that they are shallow. She referred to it as her ‘dickhead filter’. That’s exactly how I feel about presenting myself to the world as a transgendered person. So far it works very well, even in my business.

    Anonymous replied 11 years, 6 months ago 3 Members · 11 Replies
  • 11 Replies
  • JaneS

    25/02/2013 at 10:59 pm

    Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could all have one of those – ‘Available now at your local Tg Store, the all new DH Filter (TM)’

    People quite often look critically at what they observe as ‘differences’ in others whilst completely ignoring what those others might perceive as their (the critical observer’s) ‘differences’. They fail to consider that they themselves are not actually ‘perfect’.

    I am slowly getting to the point that I no longer care what others think of me (unless they are laughing at me…) but I acknowledge that for some folks that is not yet an option.

  • Anonymous

    25/02/2013 at 11:21 pm

    I wonder how a commercial DH Filter would work? Would it just immediately vaporise the Dick Heads, or maybe just give them a shot of gas to repel them. Have to be a DH specific gas though, wouldn’t want to drive away decent people. :-)

  • Anonymous

    26/02/2013 at 11:18 am

    I think it’d collect them in a big basket and at the end of every month make them sit down and watch endless repeats of programmes such as Acropolis Now, Pizza and Gladiators for the next two weeks. If that didn’t fix them, then send them to Canberra and make them watch question time in the upper house for a fortnight.

  • JeniSkunk

    26/02/2013 at 11:31 am

    Helen, forcing them to watch question time in parliament would only serve to educate them in being more effective DH.
    Parliament seems to be a breeding and training ground for DH, unfortunately.

    Jenifur Charne

  • Anonymous

    26/02/2013 at 11:49 am

    Edit: at the same time that I was writing this response Amanda has obviously also identified the humorous angle that this thread took & moved it…Oh well.

    Thank you for the humorous responses, I do definitely appreciate humour, I was however being serious in suggesting the benefit of using one’s obvious differences to filter out those who are not worth the energy.

    In my business we try to filter out the tyre kickers before they waste too much of our time. I’ve found that my obvious Tg presentation works well to very quickly sort out the people who would likely waste my time anyway. In my particular business we need to spend substantial time in consultation, freely giving information, often to have those who feel no sense of obligation, go & buy the product elsewhere to save a token amount. Since presenting publicly, my records have clearly shown that the people who show obvious discomfort upon seeing me, never purchase & on the whole they are the people I would have assumed would have wasted my time anyway. In contrast to that, the people who clearly are comfortable with my gender display, usually purchase. Those who give nothing away cannot be measured.

    My friends are all the type to be accepting of others & all ’round good people.
    This is no accident, I have always acted & presented differently to mainstream society. I already had a filter & based on the positive response I’ve had from my friends since declaring my Tg status, I would argue that such a filter is very useful.

  • JaneS

    27/02/2013 at 12:49 am
    … I was however being serious in suggesting the benefit of using one’s obvious differences to filter out those who are not worth the energy.

    This brings to mind that old adage – “Those who matter don’t mind, and those who mind don’t matter.”

    My friends are all the type to be accepting of others & all ’round good people.

    Perhaps it’s somewhat of an indictment of myself as a member of society but I have very few people I’d class as close friends. This is mostly a biproduct of working in covert environments for almost 25 years where there was little if any close social interaction outside the work environment. Few of those I worked with I’d consider close enough to ‘come out’ to, not because I think they’d react adversely but more because they are not important enough in my life to know.

    Like you Chloe perhaps I already have a DH filter installed.

    (And to keep this post relevant to ‘fun stuff’ making people sit through question time in the upper house should only be a treatment for insomnia prescribed by a qualified practitioner and conducted under supervision…)

  • Anonymous

    27/02/2013 at 11:24 am

    I think the only trouble with taking DH to question time would be that they would learn a whole new way to insult people. Imagine all the new insults they could pick up in one session at Parliament House

  • Anonymous

    18/06/2013 at 5:55 am

    Oscar Wilde: “There is only one thing worse than being talked about.That is not being talked about.”XN

  • Anonymous

    18/06/2013 at 11:14 am

    My 2 cents

    ” Bow in my hair, I make ’em stop and stare
    Red on my lips leaving kisses everywhere”

    I don’t get people looking at me and if they do its cause I make em !!

  • Elizabeth

    18/06/2013 at 11:11 pm

    A good one Chloe!
    I think I’m my own Dick head filter. It comes with years of experience filtering out those who don’t really matter and accepting wholeheartedly those that do matter.

  • Anonymous

    04/08/2013 at 9:30 am

    Can I get a Dick Head shield, that is like an invisible force field that keeps DH more that 3m away.

    Wher can I get on
