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  • Watching our “SO”s get dressed

    Posted by Anonymous on 05/06/2014 at 7:12 am

    My good TGR friend Glenda and I had a lovely phone chat last night. My beloved was away and she was on a work trip away

    One topic we discussed and agreed on, was watching our beloved’s get dressed and horrors of horrors, not wearing matching lingerie. Mine has to be all the same colour or matching tonings, eg cream and white. The women you see on the streets, white blouse, black bra… Classless hussies all of ’em. Worse still, tops with bra straps exposed, have they no shame??? Some of these colours dont even match…

    We two agreed we could never do such a thing

    We also agreed that whilst if we were in their high heels, we would probably also do the “practical plain” thing, i.e. cotton panties and a plain white bra. But come on “SO’s”, now and again, what about a nice lacy black or red bra and matching panties and in colder weather a nice cami or half slip to match… (Showing my age now, camis and half slips??….Young things dont wear those..)

    .Anyone else care to comment???

    Caty and Glenda

    PS With apologies to all those good TGR members whom have transitioned and have a “man in their lives”. Obviously this post does not apply to you.

    Anonymous replied 10 years, 8 months ago 2 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Brenda

    05/06/2014 at 7:52 am

    what is worse appears to be those who wear fluorescent underwear under their white tops and light skirts, and not always the same colour!

  • June

    05/06/2014 at 9:01 am

    No Caty, wearing colour matched underwear is an affectation. :)
    I wear comfortable clothes and if I were only to have matched sets I would need about 30 bras to match my panties. Unless you are wandering around in your knickers I see no point in matching for normal day wear.


  • Anonymous

    05/06/2014 at 10:25 am

    Hi June,

    Guess I’ve drooled over too many David Jones and Myer matching “intimate apparel ads” over the years and that’s “made me the way I am”. Leave Glenda to add her bit


    Dear June


    “behaviour, speech, or writing that is pretentious and designed to impress”.

    Steady on June…..Whilst it’s true Glenda and I like our matching “unmentionables”, I strongly deny we are trying to impress anyone. Especially in our case, the items of clothing mentioned are not ever going to be seen in public. Mostly cos neither of us rarely venture out.

    And please try to remember that this post appeared under “fun stuff”


  • Anonymous

    06/06/2014 at 10:01 am

    Whilst I am big fan of co-ordinates, especially those with a matching slip, us ‘older’ folk have to be aware that in modern vogue, some underwear is meant to be seen. With layered clothing, for example ladies’ singlet tops, coloured bra straps are meant to be seen. Likewise, coloured and patterned underwear eg. Bonds, is often a feature of casual attire, meant to be seen beneath diaphonous tops. It must be said that most girls are still modest about showing off their knickers (thankfully the era of showing off the t-bar of a g-string has passed). That said, I feel that business attire should be suitably modest also and coloured bras under a white or cream coloured blouse should be a no-no.