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Sunday Age: “Calls to help sex=change kids,,,”
Posted by Julia on 06/07/2014 at 3:49 amFrom today’s Fairfax media
Carol replied 10 years, 8 months ago 2 Members · 3 Replies -
3 Replies
Guest06/07/2014 at 2:36 pmIsn’t it interesting that the powers that be, see fit to control the gender experiences of young trans folk by insisting on Court decisions? It is hard enough for these families to navigate the medical and Psychological systems without this further step. surely these keepers of the gates are sufficiently trained to be able to advise parents and trans kids of the best options when they ask for help?
On the other hand, perhaps if there was less black and white insistence from some sections of our Community as well as the wider Community as to what being AUTHENTICALLY trans meant, then kids would have more options and would perhaps feel less anxiety about their state of being.
We are after all, only treatable when we are Dysphoric it seems.
This was in the Sydney press too. I took two positive messages out of it. The thrust of the article was an argument for the matter to be left to the child, parents and medicos and for the court to stand back. Perhaps even more important it was yet another article/program with a positive message about TGs. There really has been a flood this year. I might start believing Adrian’s thesis that we are approaching a tipping point of acceptance. Certainly with the media on side we are well on the way.
Guest08/07/2014 at 11:19 amJust testing
Please delete this!!!