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  • Windows 10 Upgrade

    Posted by Anonymous on 07/09/2015 at 8:38 am

    Hi everyone,

    I recently and sadly took heed of the message on my screen from Microsoft to upgrade from my current Windows 8 up to the new Windows 10.

    This I did in company with my resident great computer mate, only to find that according to him, since June there’s been a bug in the upgrade and it effectively will lock you out of your computer as the upgrade will not complete due to this “bug” where “Cortana”,, (voice recognition software?? who needs it??) will not complete its part of the upgrade.

    The only way out was to get back into the “insides” of my laptop and take it back to Windows 8.

    So be careful when you do it and if it does work for you that’s great. Me??? I hate ’em all. cos I’m perfectly happy with “8” and have an old laptop running “7” too. 7 has the only photo editing software I can handle as well. So “a plague on their upgrade houses”.

    Happy Dressing


    Anonymous replied 9 years, 2 months ago 5 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • Elizabeth

    08/09/2015 at 4:42 pm

    I fell into the trap, stupidly taking notice of the usual hype. It seems ok to me after settling down, but I prefer Windows 7. Fortunately I have only installed 10 om the laptop.

  • Jennifer_1

    12/09/2015 at 2:29 am

    Hi Liz,

    I did the same thing and found Windows 10 to be rubbish. If you installed it within the last month you can still uninstall it. I did this about two or three weeks ago. Good luck.

    Cheers Jenn

  • Tessa

    13/09/2015 at 5:03 am

    Just uninstalled my windows 10. Have gone back to windows 7. I find it much better.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    13/09/2015 at 6:41 am

    I keep getting the invites to download it but every time I tried to do do the Windows 10 window just hung and I would give up. Same with my desk top. I acquired a back up lap top recently and lo and behold the invite appeared and this time it worked.
    As normal with Windows in the past no one likes it, everyone complains, no one wants it until Micrososoft stops supplying updates to the version we all like, I actually liked XP. I got 8 and eventually learned to put up with the weird launch buttons and access to the various bits and pieces.
    I couldn’t even find the ‘shut down’ button on 10. But then I am pretty hopeless with computer technology.
    I often wonder why they don’t just fix or ‘Improve’ a version, sort the little bits and pieces that people complain about rather than bring out a completely ‘new’ version that everyone hates.

  • Anonymous

    18/10/2015 at 7:58 pm

    As of last night, even with the “back up to an alternate user” thingy my computer friend set up for me, Windows 10 and the voice recognition software bug has bitten me again…

    A tip. Whilst mucking round with this ridiculous upgrade do not let your computer sleep or hibernate. I think that’s what got me this time

    Praise be to my creaky old laptop still running 7 and working.. (Tho it functions as a desktop these days, the battery has had it and I cant move it from the pwoer).


  • Anonymous

    07/11/2015 at 3:17 am

    Hi all,

    As well as a lousy and costly, (my laptop had to be re built), problem with the upgrade from Windows 8 to 10, if you use outlook for your e.mails, be careful if Outlook tells you it has not started properly and would you like to go to “safe mode”.

    This as it happens is VERY unsafe, cos it stuffs up your ability to send e.mails. You can receive, but not send…So tell it “no” to safe mode and it works fine

    Weird and very very annoying stuff!!!


  • June

    08/11/2015 at 8:44 am

    I just upgraded my laptop to Win 10 and no problems. I can’t upgrade the desktop which I use for my accounting practice as the software I use has not been proven compatible.

    But I had no problems using 10, to me it was very little different from Win7 except that it called programmes apps!

    Mind you I only use the laptop on the rare occasion i go off site.
