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“Becoming Savannah” Channel 7 Sunday program
Posted by Anonymous on 22/03/2016 at 7:13 amHi all,
Still the positive transgender television programs come.
Check this one out…
Does not apply to “lil old crossdresser me”, (apologies to Dean Martin), but again a postive take on things.
June replied 8 years, 10 months ago 5 Members · 6 Replies -
6 Replies
As well as by you Caty, this was recommended to me by my wife and then by my female electrologist (who only knows one TG person, me). Goes to show these programs are watched by the general community. I caught it later on Prime 7’s internet catchup. It will be available there for 14 days after the original showing.
Guest23/03/2016 at 6:45 amNo one will be able to claim that they are ignorant of Trans issues after all the positive programs that have been on lately!
Yes, it is just amazing how many news items, documentaries and movies relating to trangenderism have been showing up on the past few months . I recorded Sunday and watched the story on Savanah last night then switched to World Moves and by chance The New Girlfriend (France 2014)was showing. Had a very enjoyable couple of hours.
There has to be some resulting positive change in attitude from all this exposure recently -
I have to agree it was an excellent expose’ on the life of someone who has decided to make the transition with support of an open minded partner. I can recall Savannah’s first appearance around 2011/2012 and if you search hard enough you can still find a few pictures of her at a Newcastle Café night.
At one stage Savannah maintained a Facebook account and probably still does if you can find it. She was active in posting her experiences back then.
Sadly I did note that she was threatened with being blackmailed for money and “Outed” to her work colleagues if she did not pay up. I believe this dented her confidence and she suffered from depression for an extended period of time. Never the less, she soldiered on (She did state she was in the ADF Reserve Army) and came out the other end better for the experience.
I applaud Chanel 7 for airing the story and only hope Savannah’s courage in making her experience open to the wider Australian community paves the way for more of us being widely accepted.
Savannah was a big user of FaceBook but I have not seen her on for a while. Her “journey” was interesting including her uncertainties. Her wife and daughter seemed to be taking it in their stride, at least that was the impression one got on social media. I did not watch this program, I tend not to see what is on commercial TV, I have limited tolerance of advertisements.
i am glad we live in mostly enlightened times. Wow she could have been blackmailed and no one would have known. Shows that we still have a way to go when some evil sh!t bag thinks that they can black mail someone who is TG. Make no mistake – we are on the cusp of something good and we all should stand up to bullying and blackmail. It is a tough call but we can do it. I look forward to the time when Savannah is not a story and it just happens when it needs to happen. Luvs and hugs Juliette