“Wishful costume thinking”
Our local paper this week tells me that the local theatre company are having a costume clean out. The photo with the above shows two ladies in deb and evening gowns. Now Caty is far too “mature” for such garments, but somewhere in all that lot there has to be something she would love to wear,
But sadly and SIIIGGGHHHHHH, even tho I’d love to go and have a squiz, that would get the gossip mill spinning, so no crinoline/ evening/ mother of the bride gown for Caty.
But what a nice thought to be able to spend time looking through it all. If there was one big enough, I might even try on a wedding or deb gown!!.
Also makes me ask if anyone on TGR has had, what would be the great experience of playing a female role with such a group. Perhaps from early teens on, any earlier the significance of what it would lead to in later life may not have been apparent
Regards to all