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  • “Wishful costume thinking”

    Posted by Anonymous on 11/01/2017 at 6:04 am

    Our local paper this week tells me that the local theatre company are having a costume clean out. The photo with the above shows two ladies in deb and evening gowns. Now Caty is far too “mature” for such garments, but somewhere in all that lot there has to be something she would love to wear,

    But sadly and SIIIGGGHHHHHH, even tho I’d love to go and have a squiz, that would get the gossip mill spinning, so no crinoline/ evening/ mother of the bride gown for Caty.

    But what a nice thought to be able to spend time looking through it all. If there was one big enough, I might even try on a wedding or deb gown!!.

    Also makes me ask if anyone on TGR has had, what would be the great experience of playing a female role with such a group. Perhaps from early teens on, any earlier the significance of what it would lead to in later life may not have been apparent

    Regards to all


    Anonymous replied 7 years, 11 months ago 2 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • Anonymous

    11/01/2017 at 9:58 pm

    Hi Caty
    I had such experience in high school when I played a girl in HMS PINAFORE ,I simply adored the yellow gingham dress.
    later on several shows and dance concerts I have performed as a female.
    yours Emma

  • Anonymous

    12/01/2017 at 2:34 am

    ,I simply adored the yellow gingham dress.
    later on several shows and dance concerts I have performed as a female.

    You wore “yellow” Emma, so I am “green”… (with envy).

    I’m almost to my “three score and ten” but I seem to remember that the year after I finished at my all male “tech school”, (remember them!!), they ran some sort of play that required some of the boys to play female roles.

    Drats… missed out by one year…


  • Anonymous

    09/03/2017 at 10:22 am

    Hi everyone,

    For the last two years since I joined a local service Club, in conjunction with the owner of again a :”local” historical mansion, there has been a very successful fund raising day held on these premises.

    Many of the women whom participate don period dresses, bustles bows, crinolines etc.

    Both years, Caty gets there and wishes that instead of cooking sausages and hamburgers for the “hungry hordes”, she too could “parade” in a dress such as she saw being worn.

    Would not even need to borrow anyhting, for any perusal of her TGR profile will reveal she already has “something to wear”

    But ssssiiighhh…. such could not occur, not only from the “gossip mill” perspective, but also think of the size of apron needed to stop the “snag fat” from the BBQ getting on her dress !!

    Oh well maybe one year in the future.. But I’m not counting on it happening


    The dresses looked great, but it was a warm day and the “button up boots” were replaced by “modern day sandals” etc….

  • Phillippa

    10/03/2017 at 2:29 am

    Don’t keep putting barriers in front of yourself! As one company likes to say – “Just do it”! ;-)

  • Anonymous

    10/03/2017 at 3:36 am

    Ah Phillipa,

    I’d love to “just do it” and not give a broken bra strap about the reaction.

    But I’m always mindful of the impact of the “gossip mill” on my beloved.. As I have frequently said in the past, this is a small rural community and such gossip would travel faster than a bushfire.

    So the replica 1700’s and Civil War ball gowns must stay in their hidey holes in the “Sheduior”



  • Alison_2

    10/03/2017 at 11:43 pm

    Hi Caty,
    For most of us we can just frock up in our favorite clothes and go off out and about whenever we want, it is such a pity that you can’t display all those lovely costumes you have.
    What about the other venues, historic homesteads etc.where period costumes are worn and I can just see you walking around Sovereign Hill or maybe assisting in one of the shops at Coal Creek.

  • Anonymous

    10/03/2017 at 11:57 pm

    Thanks Alison
    and yes, I’ve been to both Sovereign Hill and Coal Creek and seen all the lovely ladies in their period finery!

    The irony of it all is on both occasions, it was for functions of a very much “men only” organisation. And a quite conservative bunch they are too., So “frocking up” in front of them would have caused quite a stir!

    It’s not too far a stretch, (but not in your bra strap), to state that I used to subscribe to a magazine on Men’s “things” “Man Caves”, vintage cars etc,etc. They also always had a column on men’s health written by a well known GP,. I was all set to (anonymously), write something on “gender diversity”, but it (literally) folded before I could do so!

    In terms of me wearing one of my period dresses in public, I am going to TF this year, so “watch this space”
