Wishful costume thinking, (Again? No…., Still!!)
Hi everyone,
It was “bad enough” when the local theatre company were selling off lots of lovely deb gowns and evening dresses etc, but now the Australian Opera is doing likewise, only on a much larger scale
So SIIIGGGGGHHHHHHH all over again, I’m sure there would be something in such a large collection that would be just lovely and be right for “lil ol me”.
Only two further comments… 1/. I cant sing or dance for nuts even in male mode, so no “theatrical productions” for me and 2/. Not being an opera fan, I’ve always chuckled at this definition of same
“Opera is where the heroine gets mortally stabbed and then sings for half an hour afterwards”.
And I do hope they got all the “bloodstains” off those lovely dresses before they sold ’em off!