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TgR Wall Forums M2F Toolkit Breasts Dealing with torn silicon breasts

  • Dealing with torn silicon breasts

    Posted by Adrian on 04/03/2007 at 10:26 am

    Breast forms don’t last for every – even though at the price they are you might think they should. But when that inevitable tear appears in the outer skin act quickly and you can get a lot more life out of the form.

    Once the outer skin has torn then any use of the form will result in a silicon crevice forming. If you don’t do anything about the damage the crack will rapidly grow and the form will loose its form.

    To repair the damage I apply a number of ‘plasters’ over the tear using the double sided tape used to attach the form to skin. I apply plenty of tape – because in the area where the crack has appeared the silicon skin may be weak.

    Then to protect the form in its later life I wrap it carefully in an old stocking. This has a number of advantages
    a) it means that contact with clothing and skin does not rub the tape off
    b) it hides any sticky or rough surfaces
    c) it makes it clear that sticking the form on your body again is not an option.

    The wrapped form is still fine for use in a full bra and under anything except the most revealing clothing.

    I use my recycled forms for everyday wear round the house. That way I don’t have to worry about damaging my best forms whilst mowing the lawn.

    Deleted User replied 5 years, 10 months ago 5 Members · 8 Replies
  • 8 Replies
  • Anonymous

    24/10/2009 at 3:42 am

    Hi Amada I also add avoid storing them where there could be sunlight or anywhere thats to hot and humid as that to also can result in damage, store in cool dry area if possible.

  • Corina

    16/12/2018 at 4:58 am

    After many many years of wear as well as sleeping in a pair of gold seal breast forms they developed a hole. Actually I think the hole was already in the form as each form has a tiny circular bit of plastic covering what I suppose is the fill up hole when it is made. I notice that both pairs of my gold seal forms have these little patches. Anyway one of the patches must have come off and it has revealed a slit from which silicon can ooze out. Last night I used a product called AQUASEAL which is a wetsuit repair product in a tube. You can usually find it in diving shops for around $15. I have used it on my wetsuits for years. It is clear and flexible when dry and adheres to rubber as well. I smeared a small amount on and set the form repair level whilst drying and this morning the repair looks very good indeed. I will posts updates here after it has been road tested for a while. :)

  • Luci_Virgo

    17/12/2018 at 7:52 am

    Not sure if I would sleep with forms in place in case of leakage, but I’ll remember the repair.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    17/12/2018 at 10:44 pm

    You could never get such high quality advice about Silicone repairs in Bunnings .. they just don’t have that deep experience.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    19/12/2018 at 12:15 am

    Hi Ladies,
    Been there a couple of times and found I had a tear in one of my breast forms, first time resulted in a quick panic when I woke up and had silicone goo in the old bra I used to sleep in. I used a similar fix to Adrian, long strips of medical tape and got quite a bit more life from that set, I must admit I haven’t thought of using an old stocking as a wrapping, I like that idea Adrian.
    Thanks for the tip on Aquaseal Corina, must remember that for the next time I get a puncture.
    For sleeping these days I have a couple of sets of foam breast forms, and use an older looser fitting bra under the nightie, I now notice not wearing them when in bed when that has to happen. To keep the foam breast forms clean I just put them in a delicates bag in the washing machine once a week with the rest of my clothes.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    19/12/2018 at 2:56 am

    Good advice Rosemary
    I can imagine it must be horrible having Silicon leaking from your breast form as it is a hard crystalline material used in semiconductor manufacture and precision gyro components.

    On the other hand.. Silicone (what a difference an ” e ” makes!) is a viscous polymer used in building products and of course !!! breast implants and external forms.
    I can assure you that if silicone fluid leaks on to anything . there’s is nothing in the domestic cleaning range that will remove it
    So. be careful and sleep with foam forms if you must NOT Silicone filled ones
    Chemistry lesson over!

  • Corina

    31/03/2019 at 12:26 am

    As promised here’s my update. The repair to my breast form has been road tested for 3 months now and is still excellent. Photos attached…I hope. The repair was on the rear of the form and I did use way too much goo, but I believe a more subtle and smooth repair could be made with just a smear to the front of the form and it would work well, if my wetsuit repairs are anything to go by, but I have yet to need to do this. I’m still sleeping in them in a non underwire bra that I have sewn material onto the rear of, so that I can insert them. No problems yet after 4 or more years so I don’t know…….I guess I just don’t sleep on my stomach though so maybe that’s why I’ve never had a problem with ruptures.

  • Corina

    31/03/2019 at 12:30 am

    Available at dive shops. Oh…and it’s got Tolulene in it so I recommend wearing a suitable gas mask in a ventilated area.