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  • Swimming at the local pool whilst in “PGE mode”

    Posted by Anonymous on 07/07/2016 at 8:03 am

    Hi to all on TGR

    For the first time in many a moon Caty is getting on an international aircraft next month I’ve gone back into the swimming pool to strengthen my creaky old back before I travel.

    TGR member and great friend Glenda suggested I should wear a “smart looking one piece”,

    (Can do whole 200 m without stopping now… over 500 in total in the session Whhoo???? Hooooo???.)

    This was my response…

    Glenda dear, I swim far too slow as it is.. The extra weight and “twin keels” of my breast forms would create far too much “Drag”….


    I’d also have to make sure my breast forms were firmly attached,… (Can you imagine the reaction from everyone else if one came out?!! ).

    Guess this opens up a discussion of how many TGR members swim when in “PGE”** mode… and how do they make themselves “presentable”.

    **I’m reliably informed that these initials have taken over from “en femme”. Does not ring the same bells for me… but there we are.



    Anonymous replied 8 years, 6 months ago 3 Members · 9 Replies
  • 9 Replies
  • Petra

    08/07/2016 at 12:47 pm

    Caty i myself have only been swimming once and it was in the ocean and yes you need to ensure the forms are well first mistake i thought my swimsuit would hold them well enough ….big no to that…however i got 2 nice tankinis which have a skirt . Looked good and loved every second swimming but next time the twin keals need to be attached a lot better B) …happy swimming

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    09/07/2016 at 6:51 am

    The image of a girl swimming in one direction while the boobs head off in another does present with an amusing image which promotes a question, what does one use secure the ‘twins’?
    Also, and please forgive my igniorance, but what does PGE stand for?
    En femme was always an attractive sounding, if grammatically incorrect term. Referencing French acquaintances who assume me that ‘En’ means ‘In’. On the other hand, ‘As a woman’ would be ‘En tant que femme’ which is clumsy.
    So there is a can of worms for you to dive on. .

  • Anonymous

    10/07/2016 at 3:32 am

    Hi Claire,

    I would be “safe”??? using the Gold Seal forms from The Breast Form Store which uses double sided tape and the “Skin Tac” adhesive pads.

    Oh and alcohol wipes on the chest before application of the forms. I know this works in water, cos at the end of my “Caty weekends”, I love to have what I call a “femme shower’. Forms and wig still on with a shower cap “liberated” from a motel over the wig. Can get, (…ahem…) “very exciting” The above also allows me to sleep bra less at night, another lovely way to “express yourself”

    And I agree with you, as a description, the use of “PGE” anywhere, let alone in the shower “PGE is a real let down….I believe it’s an acronym for “Personal Gender Expression” and in this day and age of “PC, WC’s,” (aka politcally correct “bathrooms”), as I have previously said, does nothing for me…

    But then, the “Enfemme” debate has been run and won on TGR in the past, so before I get clobbered for being “off topic”, I think I need to go to the….. (insert preferred description here)



  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    10/07/2016 at 4:41 am

    I think you went ‘off topic’ when you mentioned being ‘excited’ in the shower, Caty :ohmy:
    As for PGE, it is a definite newbie to me. Thanks for explaining.

  • Anonymous

    11/07/2016 at 12:32 pm

    Hi Ladies

    Just my 2 bobs worth (showing my age a little there but there is nothing nicer than having a swim in girl mode walking down the beach and into the water is a wonderful feeling especially if you have painted the toenails, secured the breasts popped on a modest one piece sorry but bikinis are for young girls and I simply don’t have the figure, have a nice refreshing swim on a hot summers day and then lay on the beach as the sun sets. Can’t talk for a pool probably too many young girls around a CD’s natural predator but a nice quiet beach is a lovely way to spend a feminine evening.

    Apologies Caty Pam and the gals that have already read this

    But here is my take on the whole CDTVTGLGBTCIQ etc
    Oh dear I hate all these terms
    I can never remember what stands for what or WSW
    So does this make me a CDPGE or a PGECDTV
    If I am PGEing and I make a typing mistake could I end up PEEing
    If I am an adult does this make me a PAGE and if so in which book, and am I going to be read by everyone
    Perhaps I am a PEG (Personal Expression of Gender) which could make me a clothes PEG when I get dressed
    What if I am a CD but I prefer movies to music or don’t have enough room to store all my clothes would that make me a DVD.
    If I am a TV and had my antenna removed would I ever be allowed in a reception centre if I can’t get any reception. Also If I am a TV am I a pay TV or a Free TV and if I am a pay TV how much do I charge.

    My head hurts and my fingers are in knots

    Take care my loves

    Love as always

  • June

    12/07/2016 at 1:09 am

    I went swimming in a friends pool in a tankini. My main concern was not to stay in the sun too long so I would not get a tan with the straps and such showing white through the tan. Might have taken a bit of explaining in the showers after hockey.


  • Anonymous

    12/07/2016 at 3:42 am

    Very well said Glenda dear,

    At the risk of offending those who believe in such terms, (apologies in advance”), I think you have “shafted” the “PC descriptions” wonderfully.. ( I could have said “destroyed” or “wrecked”, but I think “shafted” is better!!!!…. (opps……………. I nearly went a million miles off topic then…)


  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    12/07/2016 at 6:12 am
    Glenda wrote:
    Hi Ladies
    Apologies Caty Pam and the gals that have already read this
    But here is my take on the whole CDTVTGLGBTCIQ etc
    Oh dear I hate all these terms
    I can never remember what stands for what or WSW

    Beautifully stated Glenda, LOL

  • Anonymous

    12/07/2016 at 8:34 am

    I agree with the general thrust on the acronyms.

    Better to make alphabet soup with them.

    Personally I love taking a quiet swim in my home pool. However, I am happy to steer clear of the local public pool.