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  • Pope denounces ‘gender theory’

    Posted by Adrian on 23/12/2008 at 1:57 am


    From correspondents in Rome | December 23, 2008
    Article from: Agence France-Presse

    POPE Benedict XVI has denounced gender theory, warning that it blurs the distinction between male and female and could thus lead to the “self-destruction” of the human race.

    When the Roman Catholic Church defends God’s Creation, “it does not only defend the earth, water and the air … but (it) also protects man from his own destruction”, the Pope said in his end-of-year speech to the Vatican hierarchy today.

    Gender theory, which originated in the United States, explores sexual orientation, the roles assigned by society to individuals according to their gender and how people perceive their biological identity.

    The Catholic Church has repeatedly spoken out against gender theory, which gay and transgender advocacy groups promote as a key to understanding and tolerance.

    “If tropical forests deserve our protection, humankind … deserves it no less,” the 81-year-old pontiff said, calling for “an ecology of the human being”.

    It is not “outmoded metaphysics” to urge respect for the “nature of the human being as man and woman”, he told scores of prelates gathered in the Vatican’s sumptuous Clementine Hall.

    Anonymous replied 16 years, 1 month ago 1 Member · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • Anonymous

    23/12/2008 at 3:47 am

    nicely said, by a man who runs around in long white robes with matching white patent leather shoes … and the head of an organisation that seems to be rife with child molesters …

  • Anonymous

    26/12/2008 at 8:51 am

    So paedophilia is ok but not sexual disorientation some of which is caused by the abuse suffered at the errant hands of procrastinators and liars gathering under the misguided banner of organised spirituality known as religion. This guy is a deluded and fraudulent clown who needs a huge reality check…i for one can’t wait for the second coming…the return of Jesus…maybe you can sell tickets on trannyradio Amanda, book me a front row seat…Merry Christmas to all of the members and good luck, good health, wealth and happiness for 2009….warm regards…Jaclyn

  • Anonymous

    26/12/2008 at 9:34 am

    Normally don’t like to comment on issues like this but here I feel I just have to. I agree with you 2 girls, this has certainly had views on polls ect at least 80-20 againest the Pope’s views.

    Every one here must agree the church is rife with child molester’s, that sickens me as it does any human being. Poor inocent kids mixed up for the rest of there life’s.

    Good comment Jacklyn on the second coming, interesting there with the tickets !

    All the best to everyone for 2009, may it be a good one.


  • Adrian

    26/12/2008 at 9:45 am


    Whilst I posted the original newspaper article, and yes it is pretty controversial, I don’t want to start a religious debate because
    a) Transgender news is the wrong forum
    b) It is likely the postings will violate the site rule about not attacking someone or their beliefs.

    So… post with care on this thread…. and I reserve the right to edit/delete anything that is off-topic or inflammatory.

  • Anonymous

    27/12/2008 at 10:02 pm

    Hi there everyone, hope you all are well. I am not trying to go off topic at all here but just to take a slightly parallel opinion.

    If we sit back and think about the views of the Catholic Church over the years then this comment would not come as surprising at all. There have been a few comments about gay people and so on over the years [which I am not going to quote] that have all been along the same basic line of thinking. What I would like to point out is that this line of thinking could well be why a lot of us have trouble or even non-acceptance when we come out. One side of my family have been totally cool and the other side, well I’ve been banned from talking about it by one parent [mine are split up] and this will be one of the reasons because that side of the family are a lot more religious and conservative.

    Please understand, I am a Catholic myself [not practising] and I wouldn’t even dream of taking myself to church due to these beliefs by the faith. I am not denouncing this faith either but just wanted to possibly help some of you as I said to understand where some of the animosity that you receive may come from.

    I hope that everyone had a good Christmas and I hope that 2009 is good for you also, Peta A.