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TgR Wall Forums Media-Watch Transgender Media oh dear … more poor publicity …

  • oh dear … more poor publicity …

    Posted by Anonymous on 15/09/2009 at 9:46 am

    from across the creek …

    A transgender man who robbed two Manawatu banks dressed as a woman was trying to get sent back to jail because he felt uncomfortable outside prison, a court was told.

    Cross-dresser James Shevan Cassidy, 34, told police the robberies, totalling more than $5000, were “a last bash before going back to prison”. He spent the cash on drugs, alcohol, food and petrol, and was arrested eating takeaways in the getaway car.

    Judge Gerard Lynch, in Palmerston North District Court yesterday, sentenced Cassidy to five years and eight months in jail. He will serve the time in a male prison.

    Cassidy was jailed from 2002 to 2007 after committing five robberies.

    The judge said Cassidy had told police he missed the routine, foundation and stability of life behind bars. He decided to engineer a return when he lost his job and had relationship problems with his mother stemming from his lifestyle choice.

    “To the victims, I apologise,” Cassidy, representing himself, told the court. “This was purely a selfish act on my behalf … I want to go back to prison.”

    On June 29 he robbed Feilding Kiwibank after handing the teller a note saying he had a gun. A week later, he did the same at a Palmerston North Kiwibank.

    interesting that nz press association described the person as s cross dresser in one sentence and a trangender in another. confusion and ignorance out there? you bet. if a reputable news organisation can’t get it right, how is the general public going to (sigh … but that’s me)? do you think they could have added a sentence or two explaining the transgender condition?

    Adrian replied 15 years, 4 months ago 1 Member · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • Anonymous

    15/09/2009 at 10:59 am
    interesting that nz press association described the person as s cross dresser in one sentence and a trangender in another. confusion and ignorance out there? you bet. if a reputable news organisation can’t get it right, how is the general public going to (sigh … but that’s me)? do you think they could have added a sentence or two explaining the transgender condition?

    Well enough people keep telling the world that Transgender is a word that covers CD/TV and TS… So we get what they bring on us. This is why I continue to refer to myself as Transsexual, and explain to people why, and what it means.


  • Anonymous

    15/09/2009 at 1:53 pm

    I find the term Transgender a good one to use for myself , though I have no intention of transitioning. In my opinion it is a term that covers ALL aspects of the ” condition ” and not just for those who are Transsexuals.
    I think of myself as TG because while I do not fully crossdress( as I would see it ) often in public, I do display my femme side openly and consider it a genuine expression of my inner ” She”. I was of the opinion that the term Transgender was originally coigned to cover such a wide degree of use and was deliberately non specific. Am I wrong in this belief?

  • Anonymous

    15/09/2009 at 7:19 pm

    “Transgender” is a neologism coined in the 80s because of the need of some to distance themselves from the ‘sexual’ component of TS.

    Sadly, the word was then applied to an increasingly diverse group whose only commonality is some non-conformity with gender expression.

    Transgender is a word which allows the world to cram us all together into a box and say, ‘you’re all the same’. No we’re not.

  • Anonymous

    15/09/2009 at 8:44 pm

    Christina_2 ‘s point is why I use transgender to remove the sexual words from TS. But sadly I have to agree that Transgender is term use to cover all of us. So the NZ press is partly right. Bit like saing I drove my car to work when it could be a stationwagon, coupe, hatch or many other types of cars.

    If this person used the dressing as a girl to hide his true gender and was not a person that dressed because it felt he should, then they have it wrong, he was just a man in a dress robbing a shop.

    Strange thing that if he was a true transgender person, going back to jail would not allow him to dress at all. mmmm bit strange to me, he might need to see a phyc. lol


    Kelly Jones

  • Adrian

    15/09/2009 at 11:03 pm


    Can we please keep a general discussion about terms in the right place – there is a thread here which is much more suited to a discussion on transgender vs crossdressing.
    Keep the discussion here related to the original media article please.
