My way of explaining.
I wasn’t sure where this should go so I’ve put it under Fun Stuff. I figure that I’m a woman with a willy, and being a woman with a willy is fun.
When I’m out socialising and someone asks me how I am who I am I have developed the following vaguely humorous response. I’ve given up trying to give a serious answer for two reasons. One, unless they REALLY want a serious reason that would be boring. Two, the greatest minds on the planet haven’t worked out the answer anyway. So, I tell them this…
Somewhere out in the Universe is a great Genetic NeurobiologicaL Silicon Valley Where everyone is made. (I don’t know where, perhaps God has it in her back yard.) In a factory is a production line, and on the production line come computer housings; some blue, some pink. In the pink ones is installed Firmware mother board, hard drive and circuit boards along with Woman 1.0.1, in the blue ones they put Bloke 2.1.1 (Can’t guarantee that the version numbers are correct). These get sold to the world and they then have things installed on them. Programs like Family Expectations 3.15, and the Social Expectations extender pack 3.16.1 . A very popular and significant software package comes in the pink or blue versions of Puberty 6.0 and Hormonal Surge 7.1 . These frequently require maintenance patches such as Clearasil 6.0.1 and Tampax 7.1.5 or Surfboard 7.1.6 for heavy usage.
Add to this various education packages and supplementary things like Marriage 9.2.2 and Divorce 10.4.7, which we all know can use up a lot of resources. And of course I’ve neglected to mention the choice of operating systems, almost exclusively Oestrogen and Testosterone are the preferred options here.
I came about because in a blue case someone fitted all the Woman 1.0.1 firmware but because it was a blue case the owners installed all the software that comes in blue packaging and of course, the Testosterone operating system. Now, as the Woman 1.0.1 firmware is fairly robust it can operate with all this inappropriate software, but eventually the operating system began to crash. As a result of this the factory default settings from Woman 1.0.1 are coming to the surface. It works quite well but there is one way to improve its operational capabilities. This is to install the Oestrogen operating system and delete as much as possible of the Testosterone one. The unit will now operate exactly as a fully functional version of Woman 1.0.1 which has the full set of correct software packaqes. However one bug is that having had the Testosterone OS means that the new version of Woman 1.0.1 will mimic the installation of Hysterectomy 15.1 or Menopause 55+. An unfortunate fact but one that actually saves money in the long run.
I’m looking forward to installing the latest Oestrogen OS. I will however be maintaining the blue case. It will look funny but will otherwise function perfectly.