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TgR Wall Forums Member’s Corner Chit-chat All about YOU 2009 New Years Resolutions

  • 2009 New Years Resolutions

    Posted by Anonymous on 20/12/2008 at 11:07 pm

    Hi, with 2009 rapidally approaching, I’ve been thinking what would i like the New Year to bring and what New Years resolutions to make. Hopefully ones that last beyond the end of January :D

    Top on my list is actually fit into my black dress instead suck in hard princess and hope the zipper has good staying power.

    What’s on top of your list for 2009?

    Merry chrissy and happy new year to one and all :santa:


    Anonymous replied 16 years ago 2 Members · 9 Replies
  • 9 Replies
  • Alice

    21/12/2008 at 12:15 am
    What’s on top of your list for 2009?

    Hmm. Let’s see. In no particular order,[ul]Get out more often in girl mode.
    Get down to 65kg, which means getting a lot more exercise than now.
    Drink more water and eat less chocolate!
    Take better care of my skin.
    Get back into belly dancing and yoga.
    Get more practice with makeup, maybe even a lesson or two to find out where I’m making mistakes.
    Be out to more friends and relatives.[/ul]That’s just for starters!


  • Anonymous

    21/12/2008 at 8:42 pm

    Well For Me So Far I Have

    1) To losae weight beforegoing to Thailand for my surgery at the end of Nay. 0 A bit hard especially while on the pill

    2) Tell mum and dad thst I am goimg over to Thailand for a holiday and surgery at the end of May, – I think this will be the Hardest thing ever

    3) Inform my Relitives of my changes, just have to get there adddresses and phone No.s and get around to it

    Have avery merry and safe Christmas and New Year

    Hugs Sharon
    Alice Springs N.T

  • Anonymous

    24/12/2008 at 10:20 am

    Mine are pretty mundane, sorry,
    For 2009:
    1. I want to get the courage/ nerve to go out in public, and not worry about my wrinkles or that my nose is too big or I’m wearing too much makeup or all the excuses I use to avoid facing the real world

    2. Get the voice right, I’ve got the DVD or order and will religiously practice every day till I sound femme.

  • Anonymous

    25/12/2008 at 3:00 am

    Hmmmmmmmmm…No particular order here, but:

    a. Get out more often, travel and have fun;

    b. Meet new people and have fun;

    c. Catch up with old acquaintances and have fun.

    d. Be happy; and

    e. Hmmmmmm..maybe a new job…ha, ha…cleaner I hope, and less destructive on the nails, ha, ha

  • Anonymous

    05/01/2009 at 7:44 am

    Well I have already completed one of my new year resolutions, I have told mum and dad about having surgery in May, Dad was O.K. but mum disowned me, but I feel soooooooo Much better now that I have told them, which I did on new years day and you should have seen me at work on Friday, I had this big grin on my face and I felt like I was walking on air, I just felt so happy and relieved that I finially worked up the courage to tell them about thiss nect amd for this journey my last step on this journey before starting a new one


  • Anonymous

    06/01/2009 at 2:40 am

    Hi Girls,

    I can’t think of many resolutions, as a matter of fact never make them
    but having gone through a big change the last 12 months I guess I have.

    To work on my appearence and to get out more like going to Taxi Club ect.
    To trim down a few K’s to and stop drinking with Mr. Tooheys also would be an achievment !

    Good luck to all.

  • June

    06/01/2009 at 2:52 am

    I am not one for resolutions normally but this year I am resolved to get out more and to meet more CDs. I am also resolved to get make up lessons to improve my look.

    Finally I am going to try to improve my wife’s attitude to my dressing and hopefully get her to be more accepting of my lifestyle choice.

    I won’t give up the beer and red wine; some things are too much to ask! 😆

  • Anonymous

    06/01/2009 at 9:45 am

    Oh lets see

    Get 2 ribs taken out in each side so i can zip up a 10 AND breath
    Finally come out to a hairdresser that this ridiculous huge bush on my head would love to look like scarlet johanson and not harpo marx
    Invent a pill that makes electro and ipl obselete
    Have huge lip implants to take the focus off my broken nose
    Develop a measurement chart that is universally accepted by idiot fashion creators everywhere so a 10 is a 10, a 12 is a 12, a 14 is a 14 and so on so we all know what size we are (finally – horray)
    Pelt Fred Nile with old tampons
    Finish a marathon as a girl
    Get my feet filed down to a size 9
    If I plan to keep dancing – GET SOME PROFESSIONAL HELP
    Go on the drugs
    Be prouder about who I am and braver going into the world
    Kick 10 goals for North Melbourne in a winning grand final in a fabulous Ruth Tarvydas blue and white striped cocktail dress
    Love and trust the people who love me

    God I’ll be busy

    Okay maybe not scarlet johanson, just NOT harpo marx


  • Anonymous

    07/01/2009 at 8:10 am

    Well, running a bit late but here we go…

    -Get to a TR event or 2 and generally get out there more
    -Yes, I’m on the band wagon – lose some weight (can you work it so you keep the boobs and a little of the hips but lose the flappy arms and tummy?)
    -find out more about and MAYBE get IPL on my facial hair
    -find a way to feel like and be seen as Sarah without having to cover myself in makeup and layers of stuff without hormones, surgery or any discomfort (or effort for that matter) which is to say, get some handle on how far this tranny business goes for me and for god’s sake GET ON WITH IT ONE WAY OR THE OTHER!!!

    Oh yes, and help out with the old tampon drive.. anything for a good cause
