Another view on LABELS.
On Radio National this morning, Hugh Mackay ( Sociologist and broadcaster) made a comment that I thought had some relevance to this debate .
He made the point that there are two levels of ” belonging” for most people . One level is TRIBE and the other is HERD.
It occurs to me that , in my case my tribe is QUEER and my herd is transgender. It also means that , for general purposes , the term QUEER is given to strangers and acquaintances who only need a basic term in order to make some sense of me. No real need for any further explanation. It also joins me to the lesbian women round here who also call themselves of that tribe.
For closer friends, TG allows me to express a more intimate picture of myself.By looking at things in this way, perhaps more TG folk can find some resolution in their own identity by filling in the “blanks” as they wish.