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TgR Wall Forums Transgender Radio Admin… ATTENTION ALL HOTMAIL USERS


    Posted by Adrian on 10/12/2008 at 12:18 am

    It appears that hotmail has classified some or all of the trannyradio email addresses as being spam/junk. As a result it is very possible that if you have a hotmail email account linked to your profile you may not receive emails that I, the site, or other members send to you.

    This is a situation that I as a webmistress have no control over. Microsoft/Hotmail provides no avenue for appeal, and the accepted wisdom of others is that there is little I can do other than use another domain name to send emails.

    This is massively inconvenient to me (for instance emails from to hotmail users are now rejected).
    But it may also impact on you as a hotmail user as your profile may be deleted as having a “Bad email”.

    Please watch your profile status carefully – and if it goes bad, and you want to retain membership of trannyradio , then move to another (more open) free email supplier. There are plenty of them!

    How did this all happen?
    Presumably because some hotmail users have been marking the trannyradio digests email as junk mail.
    The digests are not junk – so please do not tell your email supplier that they are.

    Adrian replied 14 years, 8 months ago 1 Member · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Adrian

    25/05/2010 at 7:38 am

    Looks like they have done it again.

    Last time I think it was because some anti-social members were classifying their digest emails from TR as spam/junk – and so hotmail decided they must be spam. I changed the email address used and the problem went away. But I’m not doing all that again.

    Not sure what it is this time….but the website is getting back an error saying…

    Last error was: : Connected to but sender was rejected. Remote host said: 550 SC-001 Mail rejected by Windows Live Hotmail for policy reasons. Reasons for rejection may be related to content with spam-like characteristics or IP/domain reputation problems.

    Perhaps its time for you hotmail girls to get a half-decent free email supplier!

    Thanks hotmail!

    (Shells if you read this perhaps you could shed some light on the issue?)

  • Adrian

    25/05/2010 at 7:56 am

    I’ve checked the IP address used to send our emails

    And there is no black listed for it.

    So my (amateur) guess this is just a hotmail/Windows Live block again.

  • Adrian

    25/05/2010 at 9:39 am

    Someone said…..

    amanda has issues with hotmail I was not aware of and she taken of my reputation points with no warning

    I have no problem with hotmail – if the people who use hotmail could stop labelling their digests as spam.

    The fact that hotmail has blocked the digests is not something I could give anyone any warning about – because I haven’;t been marking them as spam.

    Please understand it is not my choice of what email provider you use.
    But if you choose one that does not reliably receive the digests – then your TR reputation will be inhibited.

    This doesn’t mean you cant receive emails – so please do not bother writing to tell me that you have checked your email and it works.
    The fact is that email from doesn’t get through, and till it does I have no way of telling the web site you have a valid email.

    On a positive note
    IF you receive a digest through a hotmail account
    AND your email is marked as bad (zero reputation)
    THEN let me know and I’ll reset the system to see if hotmail has come to its senses.

  • Adrian

    27/05/2010 at 10:02 am

    And just as suddenly as it occurred – it goes away.
    Thank you Microsoft!
    What a quality provider!

    Girls you can relax till they stuff up next time!