Bambi – A transexual Pioneer
The U-tube link
Her Story;
http://ai.eecs.umich.edu/people/conway/TSsuccesses/Bambi.htmlThis may be interesting reading for a few[/code]
Quote:Quote:My LifeTranslation by Gerard
I was born Jean-Pierre Pruvot on November 11, 1935 in the village of Isser, department of the Grande Kabylie, in Algeria. My childhood, although rather happy, was partly wasted, as far as I remember, by the conflict between my will to be a girl – and even the certainty that I was one forever – and the eyes of others on me, the words of others around me, all the obstacles of this reality opposed to my inner truth. As time went by, I felt constrained by a fear of prejudice, which imposed a constant discipline (in voice, hairstyle, clothing, the way you move, walk, etc..) in order to avoid scandal, especially after the death of my father when I was 14 years old, an event which weakened me even more.
During all the time I attended the secondary school of Ménerville (in Arabian: Thénia), I spent my life reading in my bedroom (I thus did very well at school) and awaiting a miracle which would make me the woman I am. After middle school, I went to the principal college for boys of Algeria. I suffered even more from my pathetic state of living. I could not study any longer. Then, before quitting school at age 16-1/2, I discovered Le Carrousel’s show from France playing at the casino in my area; the show was touring with Coccinelle, who was making her début as an entertainer at the time. My fate was sealed.
I made my first appearance at Madame Arthur when I was 18 (required legal age). The police were very strict at these times, prohibiting the wearing of women’s clothes. It was necessary to fight, resist, and never give up. In September 1954, I went on to perform at Le Carrousel. I worked and shared a home with my friend Coccinelle, who was so helpful to me. The next year, Coccinelle went on tour, and I headed the bill of Le Carrousel. One year later, it was my turn to go on tour. Coccinelle discovered the estrogens, and came to know Doctor Burou in Casablanca. She had surgery very rapidly, whereas I had to wait for two years before having it myself. This compromised the love between me and my boyfriend during that time.
Le Carrousel moved next to “Elle et Lui” (She and He), a “female” club where I met a “garçonne” (a “drag king”) named Ute, who picked the name of Eric and became my unforgettable performance partner. We made Sapphic shows together at “Elle et Lui”, at Le Carrousel, and on several tours.
When Cocinelle got married, I didn’t have a female legal status yet. The war of Algeria, followed by the ethnic secession, made me feel confused. I was waiting for Algerian authorities to send me my birth certificate. In desperation, I went to Algiers where the Algerian authorities granted me the gender change at once: Jean-Pierre became Marie-Pierre, female born. This decision was then effective in France automatically without any further court decision.
While working at Le Carrousel, I went back to studies. I passed my A level at 33. I then attended the Sorbonne University in Paris. I got an arts degree in 1972, a master degree in 1973, and a high school teaching diploma in 1974. The same year I was appointed professor of literature in Cherbourg a small city by the ocean in France. It was for me a great achievement, but I very much missed Le Carrousel and its atmosphere. After two years I taught in a college of average level: “Pablo Picasso” in Garges-lès-Gonesse, near Paris. I found it interesting there and stayed for 25 years, and went on to be decorated with the Palmes Académiques. My past as a “travesti” artist did not come out throughout my career with the state education system.
I must admit when assessing my life, to have the feeling of not having done all that I could: I did not get involved in what was opposed so much by people during the war in Algeria. The demanding personal difficulties I had to deal with took my entire mind. Back to the main decisions I made in my personal life, I am confident that I opted for the right ones at the right times.
Marie-Pier Ysser (“Bambi”)