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TgR Wall Forums M2F Toolkit Beauty Beard Growth and skin softening

  • Beard Growth and skin softening

    Posted by Anonymous on 05/06/2017 at 10:22 am

    Hi this is a really quick and easy tip for softening your facial hair and skin. I use this routine daily and it helps with my IPL as well.

    1-Using hot water, and shaving gel, shave face
    2-Apply Hair Conditioner to beard area
    3-Leave for fifteen minutes whilst you wash everywhere else etc.
    4-Rinse off with ice cold water
    5-Apply a moisturiser

    The hair conditioner makes the skin soft and also makes the underlying hair soften as well.

    Another quick tip to help keep your lips nice and smooth and plump is when you have brushed your teeth, quickly brush your lips, it will remove the dead skin and make them nice and pink.

    Anonymous replied 7 years, 7 months ago 1 Member · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • Anonymous

    05/06/2017 at 9:49 pm

    Hi Carli, just chiming in with my fist ever post here!

    Just wanted to say thanks for the shaving tip. I’d heard the after-shave cold water tip previously but haven’t tried the conditioner trick. WIll def give it a go.


  • Anonymous

    05/06/2017 at 10:22 pm

    Hey no worries

    I’m a newbie here myself.

    Just one thing. You shouldnt really put aftershave on your face as the alcohol can damage the skin. I spritz my aftershave/perfume on my chest and wrists.

  • Anonymous

    06/06/2017 at 11:09 am

    Oh I meant cold water after shaving (not aftershave) :) – But the spritz idea sounds good too.

    I’ve been learning about make up (mostly self taught) and realising what an expensive and time consuming part of the daily routine it can be, however one thing that is important is to moisturise – as you mentioned.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    10/06/2017 at 7:37 am

    Re using conditioner. My son informs me that he uses conditioner when he shaves, his wife got him to do and she reckons it is great. A lady I knew informed me that her husband used Sorbolene. It did a great job as far as she was concerned.
    Avoid shaving gels that contain alcohol and, evidently, aerosols contain things that are nasty so that leaves the, relatively speaking, old fashioned shaving soap.
    Mind you there are arguments for either so take your pick. Or ask the wife.

  • Anonymous

    11/06/2017 at 1:38 pm

    Regarding the use of conditioner and a note on my experiences with it
    Some time back I discovered a youtube (unfortunately lost the link) by a drag performer in the US – who had quite dark hair. When he double shaved, he used conditioner for the second cut. His observation was that it was a lot smoother for the blade and that that the result was a lot smoother.
    I personally reckon it is one of the better hints I have picked up. I have a reasonably fine grey growth so 5 o’clock shadow isn’t that much of issue, but I still think it is a very effective technique.
    Keep smooth :)