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TgR Wall Forums M2F Toolkit Breasts Breast enhancers

  • Breast enhancers

    Posted by Anonymous on 10/08/2005 at 11:32 am

    for those girlz looking for breast enhancements, these are readily available from Bras n things. There are two types avaialable. The small ones are small clear gel filled inserts, and are about $15. The larger ones are silicone breast forms and are about $60, but these are flesh coloured and will sit in place in the bra cup or can be used with a suitable adhesive and sit on the breast area. They are superb and feel so natural and they even bounce when you walk. This requires a clean hairless area if the adhesive is used. Similar silicone forms are or were avaiable from priceline.
    hope this helps

    Anonymous replied 15 years, 2 months ago 0 Member · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Anonymous

    11/08/2005 at 2:45 am
    for those girlz looking for breast enhancements, these are readily available from Bras n things. There are two types avaialable. The small ones are small clear gel filled inserts, and are about $15. The larger ones are silicone breast forms and are about $60, but these are flesh coloured and will sit in place in the bra cup or can be used with a suitable adhesive and sit on the breast area. They are superb and feel so natural and they even bounce when you walk. This requires a clean hairless area if the adhesive is used. Similar silicone forms are or were avaiable from priceline.
    hope this helps

    I have a set of silicone breastforms I bought from dejevu and was wondering what sort of adhesive you can use on them
    Regards Loreta

  • Anonymous

    17/11/2006 at 11:47 pm

    Hi girls
    Can I mnetion a device I saw on tv and some where on th net – that being the so called “vacuum bra ” – a bra with solid plastic cups that are evacuated slightly thereby putiing the breasts under a vacuum. I read that it will increase breast size by one cup after 10 weeks use . The drawback is yu have to use it for 8 hrs a day .However if you are a heavy sleeper this may not be a disadvantage.any one else heard of this thing ?
    Anyway it sounds safer than some of the stuff you can take …actually its probably best used with the supplements you are talking about in terms of results.I dont know if this size increase is a one off but it would seem to me that perhaps not – in that if your boobs increase in size due to hormones etc then you us this device it may well increase th size .I think without any other form of enlargement th one cup size is the result

    Hugs and love

  • Anonymous

    29/06/2007 at 2:38 am

    Hi Sandy
    I read some time back about a device that increases cup size by 2 sizes .
    It works by putting the breasts under a partial vacuum for 8-10 hrs for 6 weeks. Apparentyly it works and back then ( about 6 months ago ) it seemed to have th approval of some of the medical fraternity Its not on e of those cheap pumps that used to be sold to enlarge breasts and penises through a few minutes a day use … from what I remember you wear it when asleep if you can for your usual 8hrs + a couple more
    from what I tread its a permanent effect
    I lost th einfo i had on it when my last PC packed up due to a virus – perhaps yu should google the topic …
    As for creams Jane seeems to have a lot of knowledge on that
    Best of luck

  • Anonymous

    16/11/2009 at 1:13 am

    Hi Im putting another post in here my breasts are growing at the moment I have full breast forms but cause I wanna get good cleavage and make them look as real as possible what enhancers do you suggest as I have the shape and form there of my real ones im looking at having the best possible effects that I can go, Im thinking of going back to the beast form store and seeing what they say mite be the best but thought I run it passed you girls first thanks lov chels xxxxx