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TgR Wall Forums Our Journeys Doctors and Surgery Breast Implants

  • Breast Implants

    Posted by Anonymous on 07/11/2012 at 10:06 am

    I am trying to decide on Breast implants. I have been assessed for the operation by my surgeon who is happy to help me. He is a great surgeon and has done a lot of breast implants, but has not done any implants for Trans women. I have heard that it is best to have breast implants done by those surgeons who specialize in Transgender health (SRS surgeons) and to definitely avoid having them done in Thailand. At least here breast implants are recorded in the national register and one is informed if there are any problems. Also, Medicare will pay to have them removed should problems develop.
    My other question is, is it worth it? I have read the brochure that my surgeon has given me and it is stated that breast implants are not meant to be for life but have a life span of about eight to ten years, (for the better ones).
    Also, my best female friend, sister, a few College friends, and an auntie do not think I need them. I am a B cup with a level one push up.
    What do others think or what has been their experience?

    bee replied 11 years, 6 months ago 3 Members · 8 Replies
  • 8 Replies
  • Catherine

    08/11/2012 at 1:37 am

    Hi Erika,
    For my 2 cents worth on the matter. Natural is just much better. Most often I see either implants or forms are too big for the persons given body frame which makes the person disproportional to their overall shape making them stand out like a beacon.
    If you are on HRT they will improve with time. After all there’s nothing wrong with ‘Bs’.
    Think seriously about it


  • Kristen_james

    08/11/2012 at 11:08 am

    Not a subject I would normally get involved in being just your average CD but IMO if you are now a B cup, that seems to me like quite a good result already. Without offending anyone, I’ve never really liked the look of implants mainly because as Catherine said, most girls tend to lean towards oversize rather than under. Many CDs tend to do the same thing with their falsies too! Why risk unnecessary surgery for no reason? Cheers. :)

  • Anonymous

    09/11/2012 at 5:36 am


    On average & depends on age health issues if there are , any other drugs that have been taken over the years, & a few other factors need to be taken in to account , & weight issues, then your endoctrine system .

    other than that , go on hormones for about two years so your breasts can grow to be able to strech to allow B A = breast augumention.

    say if your about 5 ,7 to 5 , 10 say about 11 stone then a , D cup is well with in the size range, looks right fits well & not over the top in looks,

    & is cost wise in Thailand about $ 4,000 say about 5,000 .

    here in kiwi land over priced at $ 10,000 to 12,000 .thats S R S in Thailand give or take,

    So you know were i went, & what i did, Oh , as to the paper trail its all acconted for over there,


  • Anonymous

    12/11/2012 at 8:47 pm

    I cant speak from experience but knowing some girls who have transitioned it may be quite wise to wait a couple of years after going on hormones before having any breast augmentation ,especially implants.GG women over 25 or so have as much growth naturally as their going to get ,so a decision to have implants will not be affected by possible future growth whereas a girl transitioning will still be growing .Putting implants into growing breasts can produce bumps in funny places and ruin symmmetary – well from what Ive seen …
    If I were you Id google stem cell breast augmentation as it seems to be the coming thing – its taking fat from th stomach ,centrifuging such so that stemcells migrate into one part of the fat and implanting the stem cell rich fat into the breasts. Its becoming quite popular in the US , and its far more natural

  • Anonymous

    13/11/2012 at 10:57 pm

    I don’t know if it completely true, but have heard of cases where some women have had implants, then had to have them removed after GRS as their breast increased and they found them too big.

  • Anonymous

    14/11/2012 at 2:49 am

    I know 2 girls who this has happened to. Breasts just continued to grow well after implants went in so that they had some sad looking boobs .The trouble is, as I see it, growth due to hormones is slow and seems limited, but it goes on for quite a long time with some girls After 2 yrs or so, you’d
    expect a good pair and growth to sto[p but It goes on and on …
    Using stem cell enriched fat transfer may be safer ,but theres no garrrantee that extra breast tissue growing will fit neatly into such .

    Hugs ,

  • Anonymous

    22/06/2013 at 8:49 am

    I approached the Suporn’s clinic about breast augmentation and this is what Sophie of the Suporn clinic had to say about breast augmentation, (AM) in Thailand:
    To: bontrager
    Subject: RE: Flight Schedule
    Date: Thu, 20 Jun 2013 06:00:29 +0700
    Dear Erika,

    The advantage of local surgery for AM is that if there are complications as frequently can occur with AM, then you are better placed to deal with them quickly, than you would be if you chose Dr Suporn.

    Best Wishes


  • bee

    20/07/2013 at 10:19 pm

    The question asked has been answered previously but to go on to details for artificial implants…

    Yes these are not for life – each manufacturer states a period and as has been mentioned previously in the forum, this is about 10 years. What this means is they are recommended be replaced at this time.

    The manufacturers will often recommend ultrasounds first at 3 years then 2 yearly to check for any breaks or leakage.

    I suggest research the brand of artificial implant in depth (if that is what is being considered). Each implant has a traceable number so it can be identified.

    There are many types of implant with different shapes, surfaces and implant content – clients should be aware of what these differences will make and choose whats best for them.

    The way the implants are inserted in the body are many. Some produce less scaring than others. Other choices are whether to have above or below the muscle. The wise member will research all of this.

    Each surgeon will have their own recommended after care routine and it is in the clients best interest to follow it. Not doing so can result in lots of internal scar tissue and ‘hardening’ of the breast area. The after-care routine can involve quite forceful massaging for 30 minutes a day at the beginning.

    The recovery: clients may find that they cannot sleep anyway but on their backs for some months, and that they get tired and have to lie down during the day. Also some report back pain, as the added weight of the implants are new for the body.

    These as well as the usual risks for any surgery and general anesthetic all have to be considered and judged by the client.