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TgR Wall Forums Exploring Gender Religion and gender bridge-building

  • bridge-building

    Posted by Anonymous on 08/06/2016 at 7:11 pm

    I just love the approach of Megan Defranza – an intelligent, beautiful and gently spoken evangelical theologian – and the light, rather than heat, she is trying to bring to intersex and gender discussion from a Christian perspective (particularly in relation to intersex people but with implications for much more). I also identify very much with her thinking of herself as ‘a bridge builder rather than a culture warrior’ and her story of the Vietnam Vet praying for protection, wisdom and courage for her, “because I know that in war, bridges are the first targets to be taken out”!
    Maybe that is an experience common to other trans people?

    From a Christian perspective, Megan says ‘we are not called to conform to (ideas of) Adam or Eve, but only to be who we are in Christ’…

    read more at:
    video interview at:


    Anonymous replied 8 years, 7 months ago 0 Member · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Anonymous

    16/06/2016 at 2:21 pm

    Well that is a refreshingly moderate and thoughtful voice from the Christian perspective. She did not dwell long on the status of Trans folk but a welcome point of view non the less. She does not however differentiate sex and gender very clearly if at all.
    However I have been hearing a lot of the angry vitriol from the more rabid side of the American religious Right lately and her view does not fit in with their bigotry and hate speech. Ted Cruz at least is no longer up for President as his twisted hatred of the LGBTQI community would have made it much more difficult to have a safe existence for queer folk in the USA and IMO has contributed to a mindset that leads to such events as Orlando.

    Our local Bishop has been writing a lot lately in opposition to such things as safe schools, gay marriage and the perceived attacks on the rights of Christians to their opinions ( and their right to be prejudiced against us!1). He comes across to me as very patronizing in his ” God loves you all despite your sin ” BS and I have tried to call him out on that black and white world view with little success.
    We are in a different position here in Australia where people are more inclined to live and let live rather than see themselves as the one called upon to be the deliverer of God’s will and retribution.
    Thanks Josephine for putting this up.