I just love the approach of Megan Defranza – an intelligent, beautiful and gently spoken evangelical theologian – and the light, rather than heat, she is trying to bring to intersex and gender discussion from a Christian perspective (particularly in relation to intersex people but with implications for much more). I also identify very much with her thinking of herself as ‘a bridge builder rather than a culture warrior’ and her story of the Vietnam Vet praying for protection, wisdom and courage for her, “because I know that in war, bridges are the first targets to be taken out”!
Maybe that is an experience common to other trans people?From a Christian perspective, Megan says ‘we are not called to conform to (ideas of) Adam or Eve, but only to be who we are in Christ’…
read more at: http://eerdword.com/2015/06/17/bridge-building-in-a-war-zone-sex-difference-in-christian-theology/
video interview at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2qka0U7_ZO0[attachment=147]sex-difference-in-christian-theology1.jpg[/attachment]