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  • Anonymous

    03/09/2015 at 2:38 am

    Life is a bit too short .. You should exercise a bit more trust ..perhaps just as a thought.

    I agree with everything you have said Bridgette, except for the “confiding” bit,

    OK My “SO” knows, (I think SO is as bad as en femme, but that for another post), but does not approve and if she was amenable, I’d tell her everything she wanted to know about Caty.

    But given we have established a wonderful lifestyle here in the “Victorian sticks” to tell all may just ruin that, so that’s a risk I’m not going to take.

    As for the rest of the world, thanks to my ex, most of my nearest and dearest knew about 20 years ago, but some five years after that, think I “signed the pledge”

    It has been stated many times within TGR that each of us must follow the path we think best suits our needs and home environment.

    Whilst I would love Caty to be able to emerge more often within our home, I know that would cuase more stress than its worth.

    Last but not least, as Adrian said about “En femme”. This post started out as an attempt at humour, but has gone down the familiar path of getting heavy.

    Perhaps it is time it went back to the original intent of same.

    Happy Dressing


  • Bridgette

    05/09/2015 at 9:04 am

    Thank you for your thoughtful response. I guess in the long run the life you have created and the extent of the paths that surround your garden can only be navigated by you. Tempered by your feelings for those who mean most to you

    Best wishes

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