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  • Buying shoes

    Posted by Anonymous on 21/09/2005 at 5:25 am

    Would love to buy some shoes but I’m not sure of either what size to look for or what type of reception I would get trying them on. Does anyone have any experiences that would be helpful and is there a guy size to girl size chart on the intenet somewhere. I am about an 8 1/2 guy size very broad foot with high instep.

    Anonymous replied 17 years, 1 month ago 1 Member · 17 Replies
  • 17 Replies
  • Anonymous

    21/09/2005 at 11:44 pm

    Hi Gwendoline,
    I have tried on shoes, whilst in male mode, and have had no problems.
    I have been approached by store staff members, who have not queried the situation and also been helpful.
    I suppose if one were nervous, scared or shy about the situation, it would be prudent to say that you need them to go with an oufit for a play; or alternately they are for a female relative with the same size feet. Both of these comments would in fact be true.



  • Anonymous

    22/09/2005 at 2:28 am

    Hi, thought i’d put my 20cents worth

    Generally, ladies shoes are chosen two sizes larger than your male shoes ie. 8 mens is 10 ladies or even a 9.5 ladies depending on the shoe.
    wide foot? look out for the ‘M’ on the shoe size “size 10 M” which means its for a wider foot.
    If buying online and they are in US sizes then go one size up for a good fit, so 10 AU ladies is the same as 11US ladies.
    A good hint is to get your european size, i’m a 41 and thats a size 9.5-10 AU ladies.
    Measure the length of your foot and width of the ball or widest part just under your toes. I’m trying to find an accurate measurement web page, but you can use the above as a rule.
    Hope i helped you in some way :)


  • Anonymous

    22/09/2005 at 5:25 am

    Hi Gwendoline,

    I agree with the advice from Bernice and Tianna. Tianna’s size comments match exactly with my own experiences.

    Shoes are my favourite femme item. I frequently visit shoe shops in male mode, trying on shoes. I would estimate that I have visited around a dozen shops, including 2 in my home town, and I am yet to encounter a negative attitude. That is not to say that you will not. My best advice here would be to ensure that the shop is not too busy. If necessary do some window shopping nearby until the shop is quiet.

    The other alternative is the internet, but this has pros and cons. Obviously you are more protected from potential negative reactions. In my case, there is a large degree of wanting others to know! I’m not ready to show this side of me to my work colleagues, but I derive some satisfaction from ‘outing’ to a stranger. Depending on your foot, it may be quite difficult to get shoes that fit just right – at least in a shop you can try before you buy. I have definately had more success getting the right fit from a shop.

    Good Luck

  • Anonymous

    29/09/2005 at 1:36 pm

    Thanks Girls,
    Your positive responses have me feeling more confident. I think I will try a store near where I work. There are quite a few so I’m sure I will find one that’s OK.

  • Anonymous

    03/10/2005 at 12:43 pm

    Hi Girls,
    I wandered into Payless shoes at Box Hill this lunchtime. No one bothered me as I looked through the “larger sizes”. The store wasn’t packed & I discreetly tried on some for size & success. The lady at the checkout didn’t bat an eyelid.

  • Anonymous

    28/03/2006 at 3:55 am

    I got my boots from Ebay, They came from the US, They are leather knee highs, and very comfortable .

    The brand name is “janet”

  • Anonymous

    17/08/2006 at 4:13 am

    Up to what size would an average store typically stock?

    Are european sizes the same for men and women?

  • Anonymous

    17/08/2006 at 5:32 am

    Hi Karen
    Here in Perth the departmental style stores like K-Mart go up to a 10 only but all Target stores have a healthy stock of 11’s. Payless have a great range of 10’s and a few 11’s but none to swoon over.
    Depending on the shoe you can often just go 1 size up (I’m a 9 and any open shoe in a lady’s size 10 fits me well. However closed shoes like courts are pretty tight in a 10 and I have to go for an 11.

    Open style shoes with straps are great for general use as they will allow your foot to spread and accomodate our usually wider than average feet. You can safely buy just one size up but may have to punch a new hole if they have a slingback strap. The advantage of K-Mart/Target shoes is the price and you can get great (and pretty shoes) for usually under $30



  • Anonymous

    18/08/2006 at 2:58 am

    I’ve noticed with K-mart, betts, and target shoes the heels dont go too high nothing over 4 and a half inches!! But I guess if you are looking for casual shoes you can go out in and be comfortable wearing then its a good choice. Save the sexy boutique 5 inch+ shoes for home use and places you can sit down alot!

  • June

    18/08/2006 at 3:11 am

    I must admit that I find high heels a little uncomfortable for normal wear and bought a pair of flat shoes to wear around the house while I am working. I find it easy to go to a shop where it is not busy and buy for myself. Occassionally I tell the assistant it is for me as I did when trying the shoes on.

    I always shop in drab although I have femme underwear on all the time.

    Five inch heels would make me about 6’4″ tall. Statuesque to say the least.


  • Anonymous

    18/08/2006 at 10:33 pm

    Hi Roberta

    Bellini Shoes in Osbourne Park go up to size 13 and if necessary will custom make you shoes. They specialise in larger sizes so give them a try. I doubt whether the chain stores will stock size 12..I have only seen 11’s.
    If you can make it to the next Chameleons meeting we have a brochure at the club from the supplier plus I know a few girls who wear big sizes too.

    Hope this helps


  • Anonymous

    19/08/2006 at 12:48 am

    Hi Girls

    I live in NZ, and buy a lot of my shoes from Trademe (NZ’s answer to ebay)
    we also have a number of online shops on TradeMe selling shoes at what I think are pretty reasonable prices.
    go to
    then goto Clothing > Womenswear > Footwear anf to the size range that you want

    Most of these will ship to Australia

    Hope this helps

    Robbie (from the shakey Isles)

  • Anonymous

    04/09/2006 at 8:24 pm

    Hi Roberta,
    This is how I would tackle and have tackled your dilemma. If you live near Perth, you could ring around the shoe stores. Use the yellow’s cheaper than driving/riding everywhere. When you ring, tell them your story and what you are looking for. Make a list of the stores with the sizes and stock to suit and prepare yourself for a real treat. Shopping is fun, even if you spend a little, as a sense of discovery accompanies you as you explore your new world. Don’t buy from any shop first visit, unless you are time limited, do the rounds first. If you don’t live near Perth, then still list and call and tell them your story. Ask them to e-mail/mail pictures/catalogues. The other option you have is to plan a shopping trip to Perth, doing all as mentioned above. Does your employer have somebody travelling to Perth regularly? Remember to enjoy the adventure, dressed if you prefer and make it a day trip. HAVE FUN!
    I am lucky that my job requires frequent travel to some centres and rare trips to others. Never made it to Perth yet, Brisbane, Sydney and Adelaide yes. I am updating my profile today.
    Best regards,


  • Anonymous

    11/01/2008 at 7:22 am

    Hi Girls
    I have a problem finding nice heels in my size (12) It seems that if you are a lady with a large foot you can’t handle heels so you have to stick to jack boots. I have come across Pleaser Shoes in the USA and have aquired a wholesale price list so was wondering if any girls would like to take advantage of a bulk order and therefore have a little saving. Please email if you have interest and I can return with details. To all of you girls with size 10 or smaller, I envy you.

  • Anonymous

    11/01/2008 at 7:40 am

    To give you some idea on international sizing see

    I am a size 12 or 30cms shoe length
    Try these sites [mainly fetish but is expanding] [good range but can’t send out of US but can go via third party. see international checkout. I purchased from there ] [ OK range mainly sporting shoes at good prices. I did purchase there] [ not bad ] [mainly fetish good prices ] [ OK ] [ in Sydney]

    If a US company will not send out of US then there is a intermediate that will give you a US address where US bound companies can send to and will forward the parcel to you. Yes there is membership and fees involved.

    Also I have ordered a pair of shoes from zappos $77US went by Federal Express 10th Jan 2007 and delivered the 15th Jan. Total cost $154aAU inc exchange rates and no other membership fees


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