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TgR Wall Forums Media-Watch Transgender Media Caitlyn Jenner accepting courage award.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    21/07/2015 at 12:34 am

    Thank you for posting this, I hadn’t seen or heard the speech in its entirety. I think she deserved the award. I say that cos I read a few comments recently, mostly from the US media, saying how she didn’t deserve an award for bravery, others were far more deserving etc. I can’t argue with that, nurses, police, firefighters the everyday man or woman in the street do things to assist someone in actual, mortal danger. They often don’t get more than acknowledgement. Should we have categories? I don’t know. I guess it’s like the Olympics, how’s that for an appropriate analogy? In the class she was competing she deserved the award.
    In any arena, where someone is being acknowledged there will always be the naysayers, like trolls on the net, they are always with us and there really is nothing we can do. We can’t silence opinion, especially on the net, we can’t stop these sad people coming out with their inane, ignorant comments.
    It is illegal to harass or molest people based on colour, religion or gender and these laws should be strengthened to reinforce protection as regards all within the LGTB spectrum. But as we see when someone on a bus or train has a vitriolic bullying tirade against a person of different nationality, faith or clothing. As we have also seen in the US with the recent murders laws don’t always do the work they are supposed to. I wonder if they will ever work? Maybe I am a cynic but hopefully time will help. Maybe they will get bored and move on to something else, maybe the target will become so common or everyday and will attract little or no attention. Look at how far the gay community have come in gaining acceptance but even today I still read homophobic comments from the trolls.
    We are still in the early stages and have a long way to go so hang on, it is going to get interesting.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    24/07/2015 at 11:57 am

    oh gosh all that rubbish about military servicemen receiving it was a load of bull.

    I don’t mean that military personnel do not show bravery. But rather this was an ESPN award for bravery i.e. award specifically for a sports person who has shown bravery. I think they chose well.

    Not only that but they are all complaining about an award that they hadn’t even heard of until just now. so ridiculous.