TgR Wall › Forums › Our Journeys › Coming Out › Caught by parents with conseqences
I think it may be time to relate my episode of being caught. somewhat funny, but even so, some may take offence.
I had this evening when I was dressed ready to go out, and not really taking any precautions, wasn’t thinking, bowled up to the kitchen sink to chat with the SO, and didn’t realise the curtains were open and our ‘nosey neighbour’ was looking out her window. Touche 1!
A little later strolled out to the car to go out, not realising she was watching
(Touche 2!) When I returned, she was wasn’t watching, (phew) 😆
However she did notice this strange woman doing the laundry and was a bit miffed when this lady wouldn’t talk to her.
May I say that this neighbour deems it rehensible to be outwardly TG/CD, in fact, it is sacreligious!
About two hours I (in Drab) came out to do some yard work, and she quizzed me on this lady who was visiting my SO, (you know, ‘who is she’, ‘where does she come from’, ‘why wouldn’t she talk to me’, and what a rude lady she was.)
I told her that I had no knowledge of this other lady, as I had been out for a long walk.
That kinda put her mind at ease, but she is still looking out for Brenda!!!!!!! 😆
Guest26/08/2006 at 5:55 amSometimes the need is so great…
one time I was staying (alone) at mother-in-law’s house, and I could not resist peeking in her wardrobe…I found a lovely pink dress, strappy with a little flounce around the hem…I just HAD to try it on, and struggled into it. I just looked sooooogood in it, I got all hot and bothered and (to put it in a nutshell) stained it.
So I took it to the dry cleaners the next day…funny thing is, any time I try nonchalantly to pass things off as just “dropping off the drycleaning” the lady at the counter always asks me if I look nice in it!
When I buy pantyhose, I always get a funny look from the checkout chick…but I really don’t mind, I would just love to say “Yes, it’s for me…I’m really a girl”
Shopping trips are next…
If anyone is planning a shopping trip in Melb, let me know, I’m a starter! When I’m in femme mode, I’m so much fun!
Blessings, Clare roflmaso!!!