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TgR Wall Forums M2F Toolkit Crossdressing CDs and Engineers

  • Anonymous

    06/11/2008 at 6:42 am

    Hi, Fay,
    while I like model railways , I’m into all kinds of modelling- cars, aircraft, military, engines and the like.I don’t know why types like us seem to be over represented in CD’ing, but it’s nice to know.
    I missed the October exhibition this year. My best friend has a stand there every year, though. You’ll have to tell me where you’ll be next year, so we can maybe meet and discuss trains(railway and bridal gown).


  • Anonymous

    06/11/2008 at 6:55 am

    Cate, if I was young now I’d definitely come out.

    When I was a teenager, most people wouldn’t have known what a crossdresser was, and if they did, they’d have thought it as some sort of ‘sex pervert’.

    Today, it’s almost cool to be a crossdresser. You see ‘Emo’ kids who virtually crossdress, Goths whose androgenous look is generally accepted by society, and Drag Queens are seen everywhere- from ‘Australian Idol’ to stage shows.
    While it’s still a case of”,They’re cute, as long as it’s not my husband/boyfriend”, crossdressing is much more accepted, especially in Australia. My American relatives joke that Aussie men( esp. footballers) seem to be willing to slip into a frock at the drop of a hat.

    Yes, if I was young today, I’d grow my hair long, and live the life to the fullest, and damn the torpedoes.


  • Anonymous

    06/11/2008 at 10:13 am
    Hi Gals,
    What about pilots? Seems to be a lot of us too. Have finally met some one else in my small country town who I believe to be a CD and I met him flying. I wonder if any of the Group A drivers or ralley drivers are CD’s?

    Hiya susan.

    Pilots huh? Do gliding pilots qualify? I even do acrobatics too!

    I wanted to get a commercial rating with Qantas 25 yrs ago, but Asthma stopped that dream unfortunately!

    I can’t say i’ve come across other pilots in the Trans scene that I know of…


  • Anonymous

    06/11/2008 at 12:37 pm

    Hi again girls. This seems to be a bit of a popular thread and I was going to add a little more anyway. If my experience is anything to go by, I think that some of us still keep our “heritage” with us when we decide to come out or start dressing etc. Some turn against all things masculine or so it would seem and others, like a lot of us in this thread have mentioned, don’t do that. I am the latter for the record. Yes I do have a reasonable collection of scale models, I do like to work on and drive my 4wd and I am having a great time with my dad working on his 1966 Daimler car [even after coming out!]. Even though I now spend as much of my life as a girl as I can [groceries and so on, as much as possible except for work], I am still proud of my childhood and the things that I have done so far in my life.

    I don’t think that it is a bad thing to still have our interests from “before” at all and as I said in my previous post, to have a “male type” of job. Live life the “way” that you want and with “what” you want as well, no matter what that is.

    Peta A.

    P.S. I do like my trains as well! Have done for years and I even got up and went the airport to take some photos of the Airbus A380 from Singapore Airlines and will be going to get some of the Qantas one next year during January!

  • Ruth

    06/11/2008 at 11:38 pm

    Further to CD’s and Engineers. Im an Engineer (Mining and Exploration). Ive never viewed this as a macho career to compensate or supress my fem side, which developed much earlier than my career path. Though the career does impact on my dressing, and created some interesting and hilarious moments going through customs and having a baggage check-Now thats an experience!!


  • Anonymous

    07/11/2008 at 12:58 am

    hi again girls,I agree with you Michelle,that coming out these days is a lot easier,I remember when I was growing up in the 70’s,my family lived in elizabeth in s.a.,an area known for being somewhat rough,and the kids that I used to go to school with were the kind that took great delight in making fun of any boys they deemed,as they used to put it,”poofy’ or “girly little weaklings”,and I can vividly recall the numerous occasions,especially when I started high school,how i used to get bullied because of the way I would do certain things,e.g.,cross my legs when sitting,the way I would run or throw balls when we had p.e. lessons,so you can understand why I had to keep my feelings so deeply buried,and I think it would much the same for the rest of you girls out there as well,and I’m glad of the progress that has been made over the years in regard to the way we are treated and accepted,but we still have a long way to go,but so long as we keep getting out there,and letting the world know that we are not going to go away,things will keep getting easier,and remember,just as others had to pave the way for us in times past,we need to keep doing the same thing to make life better for those that will follow the same path that we have all been down. :)

  • Anonymous

    07/11/2008 at 9:06 am

    This engineers coincidence isn’t new, when I was in my teens I had a day off school and watched the Mike Walsh show at lunch time with amazement as the newly formed “Seahorse Club” had a few members being interviewed, the thing that stuck in my head the most (apart from the fact that they all looked like old Mrs Doubtfire) was the high percentage of engineers and draftsmen amongst them.

    I should add that to the best of my recollection it was around the mid 70’s.

  • Anonymous

    07/11/2008 at 9:21 am

    Well, what can I say.

    I have been dressing since I was 6 or 7 my abilities are in the engineering fields, being a fitter/welder and a refrigeration and airconditioning technician.

    I hold god know how many tickets including forlkift etc and work in the industrial roller shutter industry using my fitting and electrical skills.

    I’m not a crossdresser but a fully transitioned transgendered female and am accepted in my job as such.

    I can put on a frock & work in an office and earn a third of what I earn working on the tools in very unfeminine work wear.

    I don’t care, it’s a comprimise that works for me.

    not many come home with $12,000 after tax.

    Allie Roberts

  • Fay

    08/11/2008 at 10:31 am

    Michele, Peta and Judy
    We are going to have to get together as the three of us have so much in common.
    Peta, after cross dressing, my favourite hobby is trains, I am into aviation and have flown on the Qantas A380.
    Judy, I too was a member of AMRA from 69 through 78, HO, NSWGR. We must have met. I also have some other common interests. 8)
    Michele, trains, engineering , aviation what else can I say. If you still have my number give me a call.
    I will be at Transfusion, any one else going?
    Trains, Planes and crossdressing. Now there’s a good title for an interesting movie! 😆


  • Anonymous

    08/11/2008 at 11:27 pm

    Hi girls ,
    It seems Ive helped to stir up a lot of healthy discussion on this topic
    Let me add that it seems this is not a recent occurence – the topic of career /occupation and being a crossdresser .I remember reading about the Sea horse Soc in an article in Forum magazine some 15-20 yrs back. There a office bearer was quoted as saying that many members were engineers and her conclusion was that Cd ing was indulged in by mnay man who belonged to male type occupations . Some years back I saw a tv item on Cd ing in Tassie where a CD fautureed was a brick layer , who said many of th Cds he knew were form so called masculine areas of employment . Im not saying one goes with the other always – its just an observation

  • Anonymous

    09/11/2008 at 2:56 am

    Fabulous discussion girls.
    I havn’t posted before but a friend told me about this thread.
    Firstly..Hi Peta…I remember you and I having a discussion at a Melbourne Seahorse meeting about our favourite race-tracks while two girls next to us were debating the qualities of Macks and Kenworths…quite sureal really.
    Most people do a double take when I tell them that I go out on the town with girlfriends and did Drag in Melbourne for 6 years but my main hobby is historic Rallying.
    Currently running a Celica in various Victorian events.
    But my long time love has been model cars…at the moment its rally cars and along with friends have just formed the Australian Rally Model Group.
    So I have two groups of friends…the rally people, who know about Amy Jane and apart from a few jokes now and then are very accepting.
    The other group is my Drag friends who are aware of the motorsport thing and make jokes as well…!!!
    I was on Joy FM last week on a Saturday night program and had fun trying to explain the girl and boy pursiuts…I was wearing a “Rally Chicks” t/shirt which did help…!!!
    I have managed to intergrate the two lives and am confident enough not to worry about what either one says about me.
    Is anyone else into Motorsport ?
    Love Amy Jane

  • June

    09/11/2008 at 3:11 am

    Interesting Amy Jane,

    I used to rally in a small way when younger before family and financial pressures made it necessary to choose what I wanted to do. I still have an interest in motorsport, but honestly the V8 Supercars leave me cold. Rallying thought requires a lot more expertise and is more exciting.

    Mind you the days when you could put a sump guard and spotlights on the mini and a Halda tripmeter on the dash and off for a nights competitive rallying are long gone, perhaps thanfully when I remember being upside down on occassion.

    I have been interested in model cars since the early 60s and still have slot cars from that period. once I get time I intend working more with them.

    So yes Amy, there would be others with similar interests for certain.


  • Anonymous

    09/11/2008 at 4:04 am

    Hi June.
    The Historic Rally Association here in Victoria does still cater for low level car preparation…You can bolt in the basic safety equipment and still go out and have a great time as most of our events are navigationally orientated.
    If you want to go fast there are state championships…I’m really in it all for the cars themselves…I’m in love with classic rally cars…70s and 80s stuff.
    As for time and building models…my greatest ememy is time.
    If I build at my current rate then I will be 120 years old when I get through the unbuilt pile..!!
    I once drove my rally car to “Pink” on a Saturday night and was followed home by a guy who said he just wanted to talk about classic rally Datsuns and then asked me out…!!
    XX Amy

  • Anonymous

    09/11/2008 at 4:12 am

    Interesting subject and had me wondering for many years, why?, as I worked in a technical trade and always had interests in that direction (as well as the desire to express my femme side). In my macho past I tried and was reasonably successful in motor sport (rallying).
    I’ve also been a model builder since I was kid and still do, especially aircraft, real space and cars , especially F1. Even used to sell built kits of F1 cars (for good money) till recent years

    I sometimes think that maybe my dressing and femme side is me building a model of women with me as the modelling medium.

    Sorry I,m thinking theorising and summising again and I’ve discovered its pointless, like the Nike slogan , just do it

  • Anonymous

    09/11/2008 at 5:57 am


    maybe not the thing for the high hells ,,, but there is the Annual regatta of model boats happening at wentworth falls west of sydney on the weekend of 22nd / 23rd november. Lots of model navy ships , yes i was in the navy for 20+ years. Lots to look at.

    Or you can come with us to Stockton beach for the BDSM 4 wd group tour on the 29th / 30th of november.


    also the TR xmas party , love to go but cant see it happening.

    Have fun

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