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Guest23/11/2008 at 11:29 amThis is my third reply to this post and for good reason. I have found this thread to be one of the best that I have seen on the TR forums. It’s great that we still have the things from our past in our present way of life instead of getting rid of them in favour of “girly” things and nothing else. A good balance is much better than one or the other and that’s what this thread has shown I believe. Congratulations girls and to the others out there who think the same way as well. It just goes to show that there is no reason that we shouldn’t be thought of as “normal” people. As I said previously, even though I prefer my look to be feminine, I still enjoy all parts of my life, just a shame that I can’t risk coming out at work in case of a financial setback if they don’t like it, I do want my house.
Guest30/11/2008 at 11:19 pmI feel we are heading off on what deserves to be a string of its own here but until thta happens, sort of on the subject, ‘T.V,’s and trains and Housewives’. In my teens I read a book called ‘A Year Among The Girls’, a biog about a middle aged man in the U.S. and his experiences as a transvestite. From memory I think he had only found out about himself late and was exploring the ‘scene’. Anyway, he did discover some figures regarding the high number of engineers who were cross dressers. One interesting thought he offered was about how many cross dressers were involved in the space race! All those early pictures at Cape Canavaral where you saw all the guys watching the screens. I wonder how many were wearing panties or a bra under their corporate suits?!!!
Helen -
Guest23/12/2008 at 9:33 amOh Helen, you,ve just shattered my childhood illusion of men in space.
When Tom Wolfe wrote about space program and the “right stuff” maybe he really meant they were wearing the right stuff! -
Guest25/12/2008 at 5:56 amGirls,
AD 60 well i will just get my HO gauge one to have a look, MMMMMM
Was looking to get into live steam ,, but havent got $50k for someone to make me a AD 60.
Anyone know if anyone has one in 5 in or 7 1/4 in gauge??
Judy -
Guest25/12/2008 at 9:54 amHI ALL Merry Christmas
RRRMM My othe plesure is Vintage Cars 50,s the dress style from this period is just fabulous . lucy ball wore a dress in the long long trailer you could just die for oh I only wish the dress that is . but I love my 50,s American car and the Styles it bought with it . but sorry not into model trains or boats but may be in the period that they were and the dress from that period mm may be interesting see you have a happy day I can only hope you got some Girly Stuff I didn,t from Santa boo hoo bloody bokes stuff . All the Best Steffi -
Guest25/12/2008 at 11:01 amGINGER BEERS well a lot of these young ones from uni Don’t know shit from clay and sister they Don’t know havn’t got a clue about every day engineering a lot have not been grown up from the ground floor Sorry you just cant walk out of uni and say UKIA it wont wash not with me 😈 been there done that dug a hole with my hands an’t no OIL an’t no Water iI mean realy 🙄 arr lets gwet back to dresses mmm target have hice one mmooohh myre omg yes now there some thing for me oh I not going to tell u next meeting . mmm ohh nice love Steffi and a happy new year 😆 [/b]
Guest01/01/2009 at 12:35 pmThis thread started off with model trains. Well, this is a strange one I came across. I was browsing Google for ‘collectables’ (in Australia) and came across an article on Sydney artist, Graeme Sansom, who described having a bit of fun with his art:
“Among the works in the latest show – predominantly powerful painting on canvas – are two “self-portraits” taken with a digital camera and manipulated by computer. By any standards these are fairly perverse works, self-portraits of the artist in underwear or in drag, playing with model trains.
“Both those works go back to a specific time when I was dealing with gender in the mid ’70s,” says Sansom. “I’d always had this fascination with model trains from when I was 10 or 11. Then when I was doing collage work in the mid-’70s I thought I would build this train layout with mountains and trains and electric wiring and the whole thing. But rather than taking photographs of myself doing this, I decided I would do something totally perverse, and that would be the idea of a transvestite playing with electronic trains – which can’t be any more warped.
“In my mind (I like) the idea of the innocent childhood pursuit of watching the train go around the loop, but the person operating that train might have come home from working as a banker, or someone in high finance, or more likely a barrister has come home and got up in his underwear, his wig and high heels and set up his toy train and started playing with it.”
It was a notion that Sansom had played with three decades ago, but when his wife, artist Christine Healy, recently discovered two immaculate 1950 Hornby Dublo electric train sets in an antique shop, he set to work. Sansom combined his new love for Apple computers, digital photography and the Photoshop program to produce a particularly bizarre self-portrait.
“I’m not 35 anymore, when there might have a been a pretence of still being pretty – not that drag queens ever are! You have to be prepared to laugh at yourself and go to all that trouble, but then you stop and think ‘I can’t do that, I’m a painter’. People are going to stop and say ‘Why’s he trying to be Patricia Piccinini?’ ” he says, referring to the artist who represented Australia at the latest Venice Biennale with her computer-generated art.”
(Published in the Age newspaper, 13 July 2003)
Guest02/01/2009 at 10:23 pmHi all
I think its still interesting to the max how many Cds are in male orientated occupations and I guess engineerinhg pops up as a stereotype (rather old one though ) “male” occupation .Ive also read some where way back that many of the legal fraternity are cds as well and it seems to fit the “extremes ” of the occupation & dressing .Tough barrister by day, Ms dresser by night – seems to fit !
Anyway its been a very interesting discussion !
thanks to all
Guest06/01/2009 at 11:10 pmHi Yvonne, that sounds so wonderful, (and funny). The Right Stuff., what a wonderful thought, that under all those bulky space suite there was a selection of little satin and silk garments. **LOL**
.Quote:Oh Helen, you,ve just shattered my childhood illusion of men in space.
When Tom Wolfe wrote about space program and the “right stuff” maybe he really meant they were wearing the right stuff! -
Guest25/10/2009 at 1:21 pmI was at a model train display at Brewongle, near Bathurst on Sunday and remembered the forum here about our community and the number of model train enthusists.I decided to scan the volenteers to see if I could pick out a likely candidate and think I may have found one! Were you there wearing a gold chain around your neck, blonde hair pulled into a pony tail? You had a name tag on but I’m not about to post it here. I couldn’t approach you as I was with SO and in male drab, although underdressed.
Guest26/10/2009 at 6:49 amKerrie,
didnt know it was on, would have been a good day out with wife and baby.
Not to worry. Valley heights to bathurst is only abt 100 minutes
Guest27/10/2009 at 2:02 amHi Judy, from reading your post I know you are a “rail” enthusist. Yes, I think you would have enjoyed the display. Unfortunatedly I don’t think it will open again in the short term. It is set up in a rather majestic purpose built room, 100ftx30ft, I think, on some guys property. Obviously has plenty of moola, has had two guys setting it up for him. It is a replica of the system between Bathurst and Tarana. Huge crowd there, so there was probably more than two cds there, lol.
If it is ever open again I’ll let you know.Kerrie.
Hi Kerrie,
I’m a train enthusist also. Model NSW 1969 ± 10 years. Please let me know if it comes on display again. It would be interesting to stay over in Bathurst and attend en femme.I’m always at the AMRA exibition every October though not “dressed’.
Peta is also into trains. I am sure there must be quiet a few of us. Would be interesting to know how many?
Short list looks like;
Pamela_3Will keep adding gurls names in red as they post.
Guest28/10/2009 at 1:12 pmAnd no it wasn’t me that was seen up at Bathurst either. Yes I do like my trains and the one thing that bugs me is that there isn’t enough time in the day to build and maintain a display at the moment. I hope that in time this will happen though. Maybe in 2010 we should organise a day to go to Thirlmere?
Peta A.
Guest29/10/2009 at 12:19 amJudy, Peta and Fay, will certainly let you know if this train track is on exhibition again. This time it was to raise funds for a school in Africa somwhere so I won’t be surprised to see it open to the public again. Huge sussess apparently.
My interest in trains stems from the fact my Dad was a train driver. When I was a little tac, back in the 60’s, Dad would take me to work with him sometimes when he was “shunting” in the local yards or to the nearby small stations. This was in the days of steam, and also not PC or over zealous work safety regulations, and so the old steam engines have a “romantic” link with me. Although I’m not too sure they still hold that sort of thing for my Dad. It would have been bloody hard yakka keeping steam up to those huge boilers on a return trip from Bathurst to Sydney.
I still get goose bumps whenever I go across the railway bridge at the bottom of Rocket Street and look at the tracks and locos in the Bathurst yards, unfortunately many of the tracks have been torn up such is the demise of our rail system today. Hell, our passenger train west of Lithgow is a bloody bus for goodness sake.
Well, that’s my rant.Kerrie.