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  • Changing gender on forms

    Posted by Anonymous on 09/07/2013 at 1:08 am

    Hi can someone explain these new rules to me cause I can’t seem to make any sense of them I do suffer from learning difficulties so things aren’t always black n white.

    What I understand I can change my gender with RTA centrelink and Medicare without surgery (don’t get me wrong I want surgery just haven’t got any money)
    How or is it possible to change my gender with these people in nsw what I understand I just need a letter from a shrink cause centrelink still tell me I need a operation which I can hardly afford a coffee so a operation is a dream its just I need these things fixed so I can fly under the radar more easy I mean nsw driver license hasn’t got gender on it but if they did I would be in massive problems from night clubs (I go to straight clubs) to people seeing my license as proof of identity

    Can someone help me understand what or what I can’t do

    Anonymous replied 10 years, 2 months ago 1 Member · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • bee

    09/07/2013 at 10:26 pm

    Australian Government Guidelines on the Recognition of Sex and Gender

    Individuals may identify and be recognized within the community as a gender other than the sex or gender they were assigned at birth, as intersex, or as an indeterminate sex and/or gender. This should be recognized and reflected in their personal records.

    Details here

    This is for all Federal Government agencies.


    What evidence of their sex and/or gender do people need to provide?

    Australian Government departments and agencies will recognise any one of the following as sufficient evidence of sex and/or gender:

    a statement from a Registered Medical Practitioner or a Registered Psychologist (general registration)
    a valid Australian Government travel document, such as a valid passport, which specifies their preferred gender


    a state or territory birth certificate; or recognised details of a certificate showing a change of gender”

    I understand that the NSW RTA (Transport NSW – yes?) does not list Sex on the drivers licenses, but I may be wrong. You would have to research what NSW State regulations are about this. Here in Queensland (that does list Sex on Drivers Licenses), a letter from a Psych is required for change.

  • Anonymous

    09/07/2013 at 11:59 pm

    There’s no problem getting letters nor is there with any thing stopping getting fixed by surgery (money stops the surgery I can’t afford it)

    But centrelink omg I asked if they could change it and there answer was simply I chose to live this way go have an operation then will change it, kinda very rude when I complained of there rudeness there answer was your lucky you get money like I’m a dole bludger n all

    It’s kinda catch 22 society is not as accepting as some believe they are there’s a long way to

    And now I suddley found out I’m moving to a new area which is good more jobs and no nasty remoures following me around and no nasty friends using me n blackmailing me cause no one will know about my past gender with me what u see is what u get a young women who’s a go getter

  • Anonymous

    22/12/2014 at 1:54 pm

    Apologies if this advice is a bit late.

    I highly suggest that your passport is the key, it may be the only form of official identification that displays gender identity (labelled as Sex on Australian Passports). You will need to update your name (Name Change Certificate if you haven’t done so already) and have a supporting letter from a medical professional – see below for more details.

    Please have a read of – here is an excerpt:

    > In the process of transitioning to my preferred gender, I have changed my name. Am I able to get a replacement passport?

    > You must also provide a letter from your medical practitioner confirming you have had, or are receiving, appropriate clinical treatment for gender transition or that you are intersex.

    IMPORTANT: this letter needs to have your doctor’s Medical Board Registration Number not just Provider Number as it will delay the application / renewal with the Passport Office.

    With the new passport, it will be much easier for staff to update their systems on CentreLink, Medicare, NSW’s RMS (formerly RTA), local government councils, banks, insurance companies, phone companies, educational institutions and the human resources department of your employer. Rarely should they ask for a Change of Sex Certificate from the Registry of Births, Deaths & Marriages.

    > I understand that the NSW RTA (Transport NSW – yes?) does not list Sex on the drivers licenses

    Although it is not displayed, RMS/RTA and most likely law enforcement can see this, I would recommend changing it using a Change of Details form, have your passport and letter from your doctor ready.

    Hope this helps.
