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TgR Wall Forums Media-Watch Transgender Media Church bans boy for wearing dresses

  • Carol

    09/05/2014 at 8:33 pm

    The support from the parents was encouraging Marian. I seem to remember reading somewhere that churches have exemption from anti-discrimination laws, here and in the UK. If so that’s another law change we need to add to the wish list.

  • Jennifer_1

    10/05/2014 at 4:24 am

    I have often wondered whenever I read a story like this if it is the other children who are “upset and confused” or is it the parents who are upset and don’t want to admit that they cannot handle this. It is much easier to put the blame on someone else, particularly if you are “protecting” them.

    How often do we see people projecting their own values, failings, whatever onto others,such as liars accuse others of lying,cheats accuse others of cheating, etc.. Perhaps  it is just my cynical nature but I would like to know what the other children really think.

    Cheers Jenn

  • Elizabeth

    10/05/2014 at 6:45 pm

    Christianity as far as I am aware is based on acceptance and non judgmental attitudes, it’s about an individual treating another as though that individual was the other.

    The Christian Church is not about buildings, Cathedrals, Churches, it is about people, as is Islam or any other religious group. Something tells me that there has been an almighty balls up. Perhaps the parents ought to teach their son to beat up girls and women instead of wearing dresses. The Church in question may find such a direction far more acceptable, allowing all to sleep soundly in their beds at night dreaming of crowds of young boys mincing around in dresses.

    I think Jennifer in her wisdom hit the nail on the head.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    14/05/2014 at 10:19 am

    Liz, I’m not sure poor old Galileo would agree with you on your first point.

    However IMHO the key to survival in society and civilisation as a whole depends on people accepting that others may be somewhat different in the way they behave or look or their beliefs in a god or not.

    Long live diversity
