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TgR Wall Forums Member’s Corner Chit-chat Fun Stuff Collective Nouns For Trannys

  • Ruth

    21/10/2012 at 6:09 am

    I am Thinking “Transisters” which is Highly corny, but sits well with the radio motif for Tranny Radio. To quote Hawkeye,-“Hey there dadio, if you dont like my radio, then get off my patio”


  • Anonymous

    24/11/2012 at 4:57 am

    Hi girls, love your ideas but for some reason a dress of trannys (girls?) comes to mind. Too literal? Think about it. We can always talk if you dont agree.

    Like closet because so many are in there. Just dont make it a skirt of girls (or skurt of gurls if you prefer)

    A wardrobe of girls ???

    A chameleon ???

    Or even a tuck

  • Anonymous

    25/11/2012 at 1:50 am

    Hi how about a “Troupe of Trannies” to give it a theatrical connotation

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