TgR Wall › Forums › Our Journeys › Coming Out › Coming out to Parents help
Guest15/06/2008 at 9:44 pmMarissa,
I don’t know if this will help but when i came out to my parents I did it slowly
I started by telling them i was going through a confusing emotional time and that i would like to talk to them about it when i understood it a bit better. I then told them I was confused about my gender identity, they suggested i see a therapist and they would support me when i bought some lipstick off mum (she sells Avon) she told me she wasn’t copeing well but would try to support me. -
Guest16/06/2008 at 1:17 amI do not pretend to have the answers to the coming out to parents issue as I KNOW I MESSED IT UP THE WAY THEY FOUND OUT ETC HOWEVER .
Based on things i found on websites and guessing what i found at time was true as we all know internet can not be relied upon for facts. I TOOK IT THAT KIDS oparents etc usually take about 2 years to start accepting even soem of the harder old fashioned ones.
Thou my parents dotn talk about jessica they still always say they love me as there in Vic im in Perth we are yet to cross the new me meeting however recetn talks about job changes and would i ear skirts shows mum is coming to terms slowly.What I WANT TO GET ACROSS TO ALL IS this view
Not changing gender for fear of losign others just prolongs the hurt you suffer and when you can no longer fight it and do it your oder as was I:))
HE FACT IS IF ONE IS 18 OR 40 when one teklls parents family there time taken to accept will be about as long so if i had tiem over again id have changed at 18 gone through the few diffifult years and prob would now have had a 20 plus year relatinship with parents carign and loving me as jess.
Makle sure it coems from you t your paretns mine found out via my brother.
My parents would rather me alive and happy than dead as al parents feel time heals love overcomes all:)) -
Guest19/07/2008 at 1:41 pmHi,
If your being repressed by your doubts that you have over your parents love then you may have a great deal to look at.
Firstly, who do you want to be recognised as and how do you want to live the rest of your life. It sounds as if your living your life in fear.. You cant be who you are inside for fear of attitudes and views.. Religion shouldn’t come into the equasion.. If so and its important to you.. Remember, God created us in his own image.. That goes for how we feel and the emotions we have within.. You may need to seek professional assistance and in the long run may have to make extremely hard decisions on who you will and wont have in your life ..I hope it works out for you