Community, GLBTIQ, Identity etc etc
Sorry Amanda/Adrian if this should have been somewhere else
I have been reading the forums on Growing old Gracefully, Community, The Survey and some about what we want people to know about us, and more I can’t remember.
I read with interest the forum on splitting from the umbrella of the GLBTIQ and the arguments put forward there. Admittedly the forum hadn’t been used for some 4 years, but in light of recent discussions I feel it is worthy of a revisit. Not that I feel we need to split but more because we need to identify ourselves better to the public within that group.
To start with the GLBTIQ is another community, in my opinion anyway that we all belong to. Whether or not you agree with me is entirely up to you. The debate about whether to split from them or not included arguments such as sexuality and gender. Now, we are all gender diverse in this group but like it or not sexuality also comes into the equation. If you are happily married but feel that you are a woman, want a sex change but also want to continue your marriage then, gee! does that mean that you are now a lesbian or do you still see yourself as a man at home with the wife.
Life as a tansgendered person is difficult enough without trying to discriminate against other organisations based on the sexuality of the individual. How can we hope to educate the community about ourselves unless we can create a set of guidelines for ourselves, now more than ever we need to be a cohesive community with an achievable goal.
We need to be able to educate aged care facilities, Medical facilities, Government departments and the public about the identity of a transgendered person, the needs of a transgendered person and why we are what we are. People need to look at a man in the street in a dress and think nothing more than, oh that’s a TG person and keep walking. Or in a perfect world, see the man and think absolutely nothing of him at all.
Because people, like it or not I think our sexuality is just as much a part of the TG equation as anything else we have discussed. Sex and Gender mean the same to some people, ie:- male sex, female sex. Sure debate this issue but don’t lose sight of the common man’s lack of insight into the differences between sex and gender.
It doesn’t matter how much research you do we still have to communicate with the common man and that is where we need to generalise our vocabulary a little. Technical terms are lost on most people, so perhaps to get our message across to the masses we need to dumb it down a little.
Maybe things like:-
1. Transgendered people are born not created.
2. Transgendered people need to identify as the opposite sex.
3. Transgendered people are normal and work at normal jobs.
4. Transgendered people are no more sexually deviant than any other person.etc etc…. Perhaps we could produce something akin to a mission statement that can be printed in some forms of the media. But whatever we do I feel it has to be dumbed down for the masses at least, the intellectual research and media releases can be for the professionals in our communities.
I hope I haven’t offended anyone here because there are a lot of very intelligent and insightful people in the TGR Community, people that will make a difference when dealing with officials and Government departments. For the rest of us we need to understand how we are seen by everyone else and find a simple means to communicate with them.
Hugs to you all Pamela!!