Confected outrage over trans people in sport
An interesting article in the SMH by Peter FitzSimons published on 23/3/222
Speaking of minefields where with one wrong step you lose a leg, who’s
with me as we head out into the “trans athletes in sport” one? And who
thinks the Prime Minister is right when he says we need legislation to
enable individual sports to ban them from participation without penalty?Peter writes:
“Sport is not just good, it can be great, particularly when it is at the vanguard of social change.”
As this column has noted many times, when Ian Roberts – the toughest bastard to ever pull on a football boot – said back in 1995, “I’m gay, so what?” it was worth more than a dozen advertising campaigns, and any amount of legislation.“Sport is not just good, it can be great, most particularly when it is at the vanguard of social change.”
As this column has noted many times, when Ian Roberts – the toughest bastard to ever pull on a football boot – said back in 1995, “I’m gay, so what?” it was worth more than a dozen advertising campaigns, and any amount of legislation.
…. So far, so good? There can be no real argument so far, surely? Yes, yes,
yes, apart from you denizens of S.A.D. (Sky News After Dark) but I mean
among serious people, not those reduced to making a buck by endlessly
pushing reactionary rubbish they don’t actually even believe yourselves. ….Which brings us to trans women in sport.
The heart of the matter is the realisation that gender goes beyond genitalia.
The guts of the problem is that every now and then you have trans women who were born as men whipping natural-born women – have I lost a leg yet? – some of the latter of whom complain it wasn’t a fair fight, which creates headlines around the world.
In Australia right now the subject is topical because, in this lead-up to the next Federal election, Prime Minister Morrison has made headlines for backing a “divisive and unnecessary” push by Liberal Tasmanian senator Claire Chandler who wants to pass legislation so that sports could exclude transgender people from single-sex sports without penalty, by amending the Sex Discrimination Act.
“I support it, as Claire knows. I think it’s a terrific bill and I’ve given her great encouragement,” Mr Morrison said while campaigning in a marginal Tassie seat. “Claire is a champion for women’s sport and I think she’s been right to raise these issues in the way that she has. Well done, Claire.”
A terrific bill?
Addressing what problem, exactly?
In how many sports in Australia has this become such a dominant issue that we have had a single sports CEO or Chair, calling for it?
One more time. Can you point to a sport in Australia that is calling for this legislation? No? Well, if there is not a problem, why are they doing it?
As a matter of fact, how big a problem is it worldwide? Yes, yes, yes, every now and then it really does arise where a trans woman of seeming male strength seems to dominate. But, much?
In the words of my trans correspondent, Kirsti Miller – a one-time tough male prison warden, now female athlete among many other things – from Broken Hill: “Since the IOC has created a rule for trans athletes to compete in 2003, over 71,000 people have become Olympians. Out of those 71,000 Olympians a total of 2 have been trans women & one came dead last the other came 37th out of 42.”
Can you see much of a problem there?
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