conference in Adelaide
As an active member of our community I have found myself on the organising committee of this next transgender health and community conference. I will be taking the opportunity to promote the concept of a national transgender advocacy group. I believe this could be an ideal opportunity to move this idea forward and gain greater support for gender related issues. Below is the latest update I feel it is important that this message reach as many members of the community as possible .
Australia and New Zealand Professional Association for Transgender Health
We are pleased to announce the Third International Biennial Conference of ANZPATH to be held in Adelaide, 4-6 October 2014.
Conference details and updates are available at http://www.anzpath.org
Registration Now Open
Limited scholarships available
Abstract submission extended to Friday 25th July, approx 5-700 words (A4 size). Talks: In general 10 min with 5 min questions but this is negotiable.
Hotel accommodation – book early!! All enquiries in the first instance to the conference secretary Cindy Macardle cindy@anzgsg.org
ANZPATH http://www.anzpath.org anzpath@me.com