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TgR Wall Forums Gender Diversity in Australia Diverse Australia conference in Adelaide

  • conference in Adelaide

    Posted by Anonymous on 02/07/2014 at 1:59 pm

    As an active member of our community I have found myself on the organising committee of this next transgender health and community conference. I will be taking the opportunity to promote the concept of a national transgender advocacy group. I believe this could be an ideal opportunity to move this idea forward and gain greater support for gender related issues. Below is the latest update I feel it is important that this message reach as many members of the community as possible .

    Australia and New Zealand Professional Association for Transgender Health
    We are pleased to announce the Third International Biennial Conference of ANZPATH to be held in Adelaide, 4-6 October 2014.
    Conference details and updates are available at
    Registration Now Open
    Limited scholarships available
    Abstract submission extended to Friday 25th July, approx 5-700 words (A4 size). Talks: In general 10 min with 5 min questions but this is negotiable.
    Hotel accommodation – book early!! All enquiries in the first instance to the conference secretary Cindy Macardle

    Anonymous replied 10 years, 3 months ago 1 Member · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Adrian

    02/07/2014 at 11:13 pm

    I’ve added this event to the event calendar.

  • Adrian

    09/10/2014 at 10:04 pm

    OK – It happened!

    The summary of the conference was:

    The conference had two main stakeholders, ‘the Service Providers’ and ‘the Community’, and had 175 attendees.

    At its final session the body of the conference passed four motions.

    1. That the Governments of the States and Territories of Australia and New Zealand provide publicly funded, evidence based quality health care to the Trans* community.

    2. That the Australian Federal Government immediately address the issue of cross sex hormone therapy for young Trans* people without recourse to applications to the Family Court.

    3. That the Governments of the States and Territories of Australia address the need to access quality Trans* health care for those Australians living in rural and remote areas.

    4. That the Federal, State and Territory Governments develop unifying laws that address the human rights of all Trans* identified Australians.

    Anyone want to share their take on the proceedings?

  • Anonymous

    09/10/2014 at 11:16 pm

    There’s an end to every thing but this conference ended and created a new beginning in my humble opinion. It was very positive and almost al found it so. There wasn’t a shortage of community input and on the final day there was the strongest community session.

    This session discussed the proposal of a national body, there are a lot of us that believe this is a necessary requirements to effectively lobby governments and corporate Australia. There was a robust discussion and a proposal was moved. Of the fifty one delegates in the room there was only one objection and no abstentionst to the proposed National body. Fifty to one in favour.

    It was decided that a body of volunteers be formed to take this concept forward to the community and consulting will be a critical part of the process. It is simply a stewardship group for the concept, to cultivate the seeds of the idea to the next phase. We achieved some representation for QLD NSW VIC SA WA.

    So I felt that the conference was immensely beneficial to the future of this community as well as being a positive and safe environment for the community. The were two very powerful trans stories on the last day that I hope will be shared with all on line.

    We had Four Corners about the place for a program that will be seen later next month. The spend quite a while at our community event and with various delegates at the conference.

    Positive all round.!

  • Anonymous

    10/10/2014 at 10:16 am

    I was at the conference and am a newly appointed member of ANZPATH. The conf was a great success and there was a good rapport between community and ‘gatekeepers’.

    We still have a long way to go, especially at the state level. Today I received the same Birth certificate that I submitted as part of my application for a change in sex and removal of an embarrassing endorsement containing my former name. Good job I didn’t show it to my bank manager. They said they would fix it, although I had to talk to the top dog at NSW BDM to get action. I had sacrificed nine years of my life to care for a wife, who recently died. This was my reward for sacrifice, dedication and commitment. I will never let a lowly public servant get away with a criminal act such as what happened today (yes indeed they broke the law by not sending me a correctly amended BC).

    If anyone out there is having problems with BCs etc then I am prepared to make this a big issue for the future once our national organisation gets going. I don’t want anyone else to suffer this embarrassment as a result of public service incompetence.

    Talk about becoming a committed trans activist based on a single day’s devastating experience!!!