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  • Couple renew wedding vows after man decides to become a woman

    Posted by Bridgette on 04/08/2017 at 7:13 am

    I came across this article while just doing a general search about same sex couples and relationships.. I have a supportive spouse but only to a degree.. She recognises my need to feel feminine but there are limits to what she will support. I wonder if, now that the world is more “Transgender Aware” if the astigmatism that some associate with gender diversity is becoming less in society.
    From, all degree’s this is a great article and supports the theory that: “It’s the person you love not what they choose to look like”.

    JaneS replied 7 years, 7 months ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Anonymous

    04/08/2017 at 11:32 pm

    What a terrible piece of ‘journalism’. Totally mis-gendering her throughout the article and highly mocking of this persons situation.

    You do realise the site is anti-LGBTQ? If you go to the petitions page you will see the hatred for people like us.

    “LifePetitions is a petition platform exclusively serving the pro-life and pro-family communities. Our goal is to bring about concrete change and create a Culture of Life.”

  • JaneS

    05/08/2017 at 5:14 am

    I’m glad Charli replied to this post as she did. I held off replying because I saw it as a thinly-veiled, disparaging attack on the couple. The refusal to refer to Kristiana as “she” or “her” was blatant and the comment “His voice and face are still rather manly. It appears he has had breast implants.” was offensive and unnecessary to the content of the story.

    One can almost hear the sneers in the frequent use of quotations of words that, in their tiny minds, suggest any sort of departure from the gender binary based on birth anatomy.

    I wish Denise and Kristiana all the best for later in the month. The poisonous author/s of the article should mind their own business.