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TgR Wall Forums Transgender Radio Our Members Credit where credit is due.

  • Credit where credit is due.

    Posted by Anonymous on 13/02/2013 at 10:59 am

    I recently discontinued my involvement with a Transgender related forum/group & also joined another. Concurrently, I have also been a participating member of TgR.
    In the last year I’ve also looked into a couple of other sites but decided not to participate beyond an initial tasting. I deliberately won’t mention which other groups as my intention is to praise TgR, not to criticise the others. However, it was by participating in other groups that I have come to realise how well TgR functions.
    I’ve found TgR to be a fantastic resource of knowledge & a great place to engage comfortably with each other.
    By TgR I actually mean the entire entity. Obviously starting with Amanda-Adrian but also encompassing the moderators & all of the members & the information they have provided, through asking questions & responding with information & advice.

    I think it appropriate to give praise where praise is due.
    I’m really glad TgR & all it provides & encompasses exists.

    Should anybody choose to reply to this post I explicitly request that you do not denigrate any other group. To be certain that does not happen I request that no other group be named.
    My intention here is to recognise how good TgR is.

    What do you like about TgR & what keeps you here?

    Victoria_Ellis replied 11 years, 11 months ago 1 Member · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Anonymous

    14/02/2013 at 3:52 am

    Only one possible answer to that question, the members who make the TGR experience, rewarding, intellectually challenging and a friendly place to be. The information and of course the web-mistress. Who I might add keeps judicious control on things and does not allow any detrimental activity to blossom in her garden.

    Generally a nice place to reside on those days when I have time to sit in front of my computer.

  • Anonymous

    15/02/2013 at 5:53 am

    What do I like about TgR?

    How many bytes do I have, how much can I write about a website that has always been professionally administered and one which encourages all members of our diverse group to chat, discuss and at times debate issues in a lively and free manner without fear of reprisal or losing their privilege to be part of TgR without good reason.

    I have been a member for close on seven years and the support I received from members when my marriage disintegrated was tremendous, I have met other members and I can honestly say that I have liked each and every one of them.

    I like chatting and joining in the forums and I am so looking forward to meeting those who I have met in the chat room on a face to face basis at Transformal.

    TgR is a site that allows you to express yourself, to be yourself, to chat, to ask for and receive help and what is more it is a site that is run by TG/CDs for TG/CDs.

  • Victoria_Ellis

    15/02/2013 at 10:43 am

    I have found TgR to have some of the most balanced, sane, entertaining and friendly people around. I’d consider joining even if I didn’t like the occasional spot of girl time !