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Cross Dressing. when is “enough already”?
Anonymous replied 11 years, 9 months ago 3 Members · 18 Replies
Guest27/04/2013 at 1:01 amI understand but I think much of the nasty “guilt” feelings are self generated and if you can work on accepting yourself truly then most of those issues sort of self resolve.
worried about your neighbours checking out your “backlit silhouette”? I seriously doubt that they either care or can even see your silhouette! If they do what are they doing spying on you?
The easiest way to make something less curious is to make it obvious.
Guest28/04/2013 at 12:27 amThanks for the recent responses, ladies. Rest assured I do not feel guilty about being a CD, but feel very guilty about hiding it all from the one I love and she loves me. You can also rest assured there were many sleepless nights about whether I should tell her or not.
We both love the lifestyle of where we live, but the downside from a TG viewpoint is, as already mentioned, the small community and the hypersonic gossip mill that goes with it. Now as much as I may or may not be able to withstand the strain if Caty became known to the world down here, is it fair to subject my beloved to the same stress???
Sorry… But I’m not prepared to run that risk……Equally if she could not cope with Caty, one of us would have to leave. That’s equally unfair given the mutual time and effort it took to create what we have here.
Also most relevant is I was previously in a near 3 decade relationship where ‘er indoors hated my TG side with a passion. Sorry,…. been there done that about “telling”.As for the neighbours and being back lit…..We are on large blocks and the “neighbour from hell” is on the high side and overlooks everything I do. Cant even walk down to my Shed without being stared at, (and worse). They started and it’s been, WWIII ever since we bought the block over ten years ago. This person also has a history of mental illness, so perhaps you will now understand the severity of the situation and why Caty must be kept under wraps as much possible.
Tho my warped sense of humour does relish the thought of seeing the “NFH”‘s eyes boggle if I sashayed around the back yard in “Lady Catherine’s” full 17th Century Ball gown and powdered wig get up.!!!!!!
I’ll finish with the old song lyric about “leave them laughing when you go”.
Happy Dressing everyone
“Lady Catherine”
PS 4 hours later. I’ve just spent the last four hours a/. Cutting up firewood with my chain saw,(very un femme I know) and b/. Being constantly stared and rudely gesticulated at.
Perhaps this will more than illustrate my situation re “Caty coming out to the world”.
Guest28/04/2013 at 12:01 pmI used to be paranoid about the neighbours seeing me as Helen, but I am now becoming sanguine about it, if they see me then they see me. I have very good neighbours who are quite open minded about thing like cross dressing. Because I dress so frequently they are bound to see me as Helen one day, that is something I’ll deal with when it happens.
I find that when dressing the initial rush of sheer excitement is not as big a rush as it used to be, but the feeling of comfort because I am who I want to be is there. The confidence is also there and I dress for the love of being Helen and there’s no guilt or running around making sure things have been put away. Living alone gives me that advantage.