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TgR Wall Forums M2F Toolkit Crossdressing dating sites-declaring you are a crossdresser

  • dating sites-declaring you are a crossdresser

    Posted by Melissa_Mills on 20/01/2014 at 11:48 am

    After finding out I am well and truly in “Friendsville” with a new GG friend who has been helping with Melissa, I have been trying a new dating site. I am on there in my guy identity but there is section where they ask “the most private thing I am willing to admit is?” and I put that I have been known to “frock up on occasion and know how hard it is to walk in heels”.
    I told my brother in law about that (and he knows about Melissa and we he is supportive of me and we talk about all sorts of stuff) and he said I was crazy for doing it. I said how denying those feelings for someone else leads to anger, frustration and a LOT of resentment and it just eats away at you.
    I said that I am sick of hiding it and have decided to try being upfront over it. It probably will count against me on a mainstream dating site but what I am doing sure as hell isn’t working and so I have to try a different approach.
    He said I will have to try and deny those feelings if I want to have any chance of meeting someone. He means well but doesn’t understand.
    Has anyone who is single (or while single) joined a mainstream dating site or agency and declared that they are a crossdresser or transgendered?

    Anonymous replied 11 years, 1 month ago 2 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Anonymous

    20/01/2014 at 6:17 pm

    Mel did it once, did not go well. To be frank it was 8 years back and I was the only CD, The site and did not give a third option, you just had male and female.

    Lets just say the 3 months I was a member, the only hits I got was from Russian and Asian females. needless to say I did suspect some men on that same site playing at woman.

    I been married twice and both times told the truth and the trouble is many females think they can shake it out of you.

    Good luck trying to be yourself.

  • Melissa_Mills

    20/01/2014 at 10:18 pm

    thanks Sasha.
    Trying to be me isn’t working and its too hard to be someone else so I just keep going round and round in circles.
    When my GG friend says about her and the former member of this site being “wing-women” for me and they’ll help me meet someone. I asked where we could go where that might happen Nightclubs? (I hate them and so does the GG, regardless of how I am dressed), Gay/trans bars? (not going to work for looking for dating prospects I would imagine).
    When that GG keeps telling me about her crap boyfriend and all the issues they are having and she knows full well that I am single and very much in to her and I feel I have made too much of an emotional investment with dealing with her.

  • Calliope_101

    24/01/2014 at 8:03 pm

    Hi Melissa,

    I would doubt that a mainstream dating site is going to give any tg options, as they are running a business and will reflect the ‘social mores’, which as we know are quite conservative. I haven’t even thought about those options for a long time. Given how strongly you are feeling about your ‘transgenderism’, and as most of us knows, this feeling doesn’t go away, quite often as we get older it only becomes more a force we have to reckon with, you might be better off joining sites like Adult Match Maker (AMM), or Adult Friend Finder (AFF), yes they tend to be more “hook up” sites rather than traditional dating sites, but they both give transgender options, and there are many transgender people on these sites, in all the various forms, from cds, tvs, part-time women, to full-time both pre and post op. Because they have this option, those who identify as male or female then have the option of ticking transgender as an option for what they are looking for, which enables us “girls” to actually search these people out.

    Just because they have the reputation as “hook up” sites doesn’t mean you can’t have actual dates, and it doesn’t mean that you won’t find someone who is looking for long term relationships.

    And the other plus side is you can be as honest as you need to be in your profile,

    Good luck, Cali

  • Anonymous

    27/01/2014 at 10:05 am


    I have joined a few and stated fully im an intersex female, the same photo for those here and other forums im on and my name of noeleena. no hiding what or who i am upfront iv never had any issues and iv worked with a number of site owner’s ,

    One of the reasons crossdresser’s are rejected is because of masqurading as some one else and not being up front with names and photos,

    so if you can do a direct email to the person in charge, and ask them and explain your needs details and go from there, its about

    and im the same dont decive others, on one forum well two ill have those who do decive us will be banned and each time they try different computers we find out note them and they are out,.
