Dealing with torn silicon breasts
Breast forms don’t last for every – even though at the price they are you might think they should. But when that inevitable tear appears in the outer skin act quickly and you can get a lot more life out of the form.
Once the outer skin has torn then any use of the form will result in a silicon crevice forming. If you don’t do anything about the damage the crack will rapidly grow and the form will loose its form.
To repair the damage I apply a number of ‘plasters’ over the tear using the double sided tape used to attach the form to skin. I apply plenty of tape – because in the area where the crack has appeared the silicon skin may be weak.
Then to protect the form in its later life I wrap it carefully in an old stocking. This has a number of advantages
a) it means that contact with clothing and skin does not rub the tape off
b) it hides any sticky or rough surfaces
c) it makes it clear that sticking the form on your body again is not an option.The wrapped form is still fine for use in a full bra and under anything except the most revealing clothing.
I use my recycled forms for everyday wear round the house. That way I don’t have to worry about damaging my best forms whilst mowing the lawn.