DIY microdermabrasion
I have a bit of a bumpy face from youthful acne and though my complexion has improved somewhat over the years with proper cleansing and exfoliation. I, however have been thinking lately about having Microdermabrasion to speed up the improvements . Recently I asked my beautician about the cost and effectiveness. She was very positive and the before and after shots she has of her own clients were impressive.
The price of $ 350 for 4 sessions is more than I wish to spend so , being a big fan of DIY , I searched the net for info and decided to give it a go myself and see what the results were .
I have a Dremel tool and with the felt pads attachment and some Aluminium oxide exfoliant I bought from this lady, I have started the first experiment. It was painless though a bit red and this seems normal so I will do 5 weekly treatments and judge the results.
I will keep you posted in case anyone with little money wants to give it a try as well.