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TgR Wall Forums M2F Toolkit Beauty DIY microdermabrasion

  • DIY microdermabrasion

    Posted by Anonymous on 08/03/2012 at 8:16 am

    I have a bit of a bumpy face from youthful acne and though my complexion has improved somewhat over the years with proper cleansing and exfoliation. I, however have been thinking lately about having Microdermabrasion to speed up the improvements . Recently I asked my beautician about the cost and effectiveness. She was very positive and the before and after shots she has of her own clients were impressive.

    The price of $ 350 for 4 sessions is more than I wish to spend so , being a big fan of DIY , I searched the net for info and decided to give it a go myself and see what the results were .

    I have a Dremel tool and with the felt pads attachment and some Aluminium oxide exfoliant I bought from this lady, I have started the first experiment. It was painless though a bit red and this seems normal so I will do 5 weekly treatments and judge the results.

    I will keep you posted in case anyone with little money wants to give it a try as well.

    Anonymous replied 11 years, 6 months ago 1 Member · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Anonymous

    11/03/2012 at 3:43 am

    Ive had one treatment and i can say it is money well spent, im not so sure on the home made version, but provided you don’t create scaring the end result should be the same? maybe? good luck anyway.

  • bee

    11/03/2012 at 9:36 pm

    Dermabrasion is another procedure available for skin smoothing. I found it helpful in reducing the effects of much electrolysis and the bumps and craters that that can produce. Major Dermabrasion might be a better name.

    The procedure is done with local anesthetic and some layers of the skin are literary ground away with a small mechanical grinder. This give the effect similar to a gravel rash from falling off a pedal bike.

    Bandages are required for 1 week while the new skin forms. I wore a medical mask during this time over the bandages.

    The new skin is pink and has to be protected from the sun for some time.

    The Results? I was happy as the effects of the skin damage were reduced and the new skin was smoother. Cost was $1,000 for this one time procedure.

    I just offer my experience here as some information on another procedure available for skin smoothing.

    More details about the procedure and where I chose to have it performed are on this pdf (130KB)

  • Anonymous

    04/07/2013 at 8:31 pm

    Hi you can buy the m d kits on ebay for under ten dollard with free postage ,they consist of a battery powered rotary hand piece ,and five various attachments. I use the brush attachment with either a good quality scrub or cleanser toner in the shower a couple of times a week followed by a good uv blocking moisturizer ,and have been pleased with my results removes any makeup from pores ect skin seems softer and has a nice glow about it.there is also a abrasive buffer pad I use once a month although if not used cautiously can be a bit much but if done right also good and way cheaper than a salon .
    Hope this helps Scylla :-)