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  • Earliest Tg ??

    Posted by Anonymous on 07/04/2011 at 8:27 am

    Hi all
    I was reading about how bones of a 5,000 year old man were found in the Czech Republic and it seems that authorities have concluded that he was either “Gay’, a “Third Gender Human”, a ‘Transvestite’ or possibly Tg ?
    The story is here:
    As what usually happens, gay seemingly has been confused with transgender and transvestite .I doubt if the man were gay if he would be buried in a such a configuration.but who am I to ponder this ? – I’m not an expert
    Seems this male was the first known tg or cd !

    Anonymous replied 13 years, 10 months ago 0 Member · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Anonymous

    07/04/2011 at 11:15 am

    I presume that the person was buried according to the way she lived her life. And that it was a very sweet story. And that people appreciated her for who she was and how sehe lived her life.

    I enjoyed the story.

    Thanks for posting.


  • Anonymous

    07/04/2011 at 10:44 pm

    I read somewhere that Eve came home from the shops and there was Adam wearing her fig leaf and parading in front of a pond to see his refection!! She of course was shocked and disgusted and threatened to go home to her mother then remembered that she didn’t have a mother and so felt all alone. The snake saw her crying and had a quiet word with her and pointed out that if she just loosened up a bit then she could take Adam shopping and have more fun so they talked, set some boundaries etc and then visited a little boutique called the Fig Tree and had a great time.
    Of course, when dressed, he was a Demon in bed and so it all kicked off for the human race and the rest is His/ Herstory. This , I was told is entirely true and so we have been around for ever!